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Anatomia e Fisiologia

Por:   •  14/5/2015  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  908 Palavras (4 Páginas)  •  485 Visualizações

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Anatomy and Physiology - Research Topics

  1. Circulatory systems
  1. Select 2 conditions affecting the circulatory system and describe the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of these conditions.
  1. Evaluate the effects of exercise on the structure and function of the circulatory system.
  1. Lymphatic system
  1. Select 1 condition affecting the circulatory system and describe the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of this condition.

                                                                                 Sofia Pereira



Hypertension, most commonly called “high blood pressure” means that the blood is pushing too hard on the walls of the arteries. This can happen because cardiac output is high or because the arteries themselves have lost the ability to flex in response to the pulse-wave of blood. (Siegfried, D. R. and Norris, M., 2011) Hypertension has no symptoms, but if it's not treated it can damage the kidneys, heart and brain and can lead to such complications as a heart attack or a stroke. The only way of knowing there is a problem with the blood pressure is to have it measured regularly. Patients should be able to lower their blood pressure by making some changes to their lifestyle or by taking medication in severe cases. (NHS website, accessed on 03/02/2015).

Iron deficiency anemia is a common blood disorder, where a lack of iron in the body leads to a reduction in the number of red blood cells, resulting in low blood oxygen levels (Siegfried, D. R. and Norris, M., 2011). In men and post-menopausal women, the most common cause is bleeding in the stomach and intestines. In women of reproductive age, the most common causes of iron deficiency anemia are heavy periods and pregnancy (as the body needs extra iron for the baby). It's rare for iron deficiency anemia to be caused just by a lack of iron in your diet. However, this can also happen. The main symptoms are tiredness, shortness of breath, heart palpitations and a pale complexion. Treatments involves taking iron supplements and increase the natural  sources of iron in the diet. (NHS website, accessed on 03/02/2015).


When it comes to incorporating any new exercise into a routine, individuals should be aware of both the pros and cons of the activity and the effects that this can have on the structure and function of the circulatory system. During exercise, the cardiovascular system is called upon to meet the increased needs of the body in many ways. The cardiovascular system rushes oxygen to hardworking muscles, returns used blood to the lungs to be re-oxygenated, and delivers fuel to the active tissues of the body.

As a long term effect, the heart eventually becomes more efficient, and no longer needs to beat as quickly to supply the body with blood while at rest, therefore there is a decrease in resting heart rate. Additionally, the blood volume increases as the body produces a greater number of red blood cells in order to keep the muscles supplied with oxygen during heavy exercise. ( accessed on 09/02/2015).

However, some studies have suggested that long-term endurance exercise can damage the heart therefore the circulatory system. ( accessed on 09/02/2015). ”Training very hard may be as bad for you as not putting on your running shoes at all” - a report in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology says.


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