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Células do sistema imunológico

Relatório de pesquisa: Células do sistema imunológico. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  6/10/2014  •  Relatório de pesquisa  •  540 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  308 Visualizações

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Pace University

Immunology Laboratory

Laboratory 1: Cells of the Immune System

Mayara Batista

1. Introduction

Our body is composed for hundreds of cells, some of these cells are specialized in defending our body from invaders. This are the cells of Immune System, the white cells or Leukocytes.

Leukocytes are divided in two categories: Granulocytes and Agranulocytes. This categories are divided as below:

• Granulocytes:

o Neutrophil

o Eosinophil

o Basophil

• Agranulocytes

o Lymphocyte

o Monocyte

o Plateles

In this experiment have been observed different types of blood samples and the different leucocytes in samples were analyzed.

2. Methods:

The slides were observed without immersion oil with the exception of slide of Bacterial typs and E.coli.

3. Results

4. Conclusion

In comparing the blood of mammals (humans and dogs) with the blood of birds (chicken) and amphibians (frogs), is possible to see that the erythrocytes of mammals have no nucleus while erythrocytes of birds and frogs possess nucleus.

In the sample of Lymphocitic Leukemia and of Hodgkins disease we could see the large number os lymphomas, compared with the blood smear.

In the Acute Helytic Anemia and Sickle cell anemia we could see the erythrocytes deformation structure, compared with the blood smear.

And in the Infectious mononucleosis a large number os leukocytes mononucleated.

5. Key Questions

a. Why is it advantage for erythrocytes to lack a nucleus in terms of oxygen transport?

Erythrocytes don’t require nucleus because they don’t synthesize proteins, the lack of nucleus assists in the oxygen economy (not having nucleus it consumes less oxygen and thus spare more oxygen for transport).

b. Why are people suffering from anemia often fatigued, pale and chilly?

Anemia is the reduction of number of red blood cells (also called erythrocytes) in the blood. Red blood cells are the cells that carry oxygen, leading him to all organs and tissues of the body. Hemoglobin is an iron carrier molecule which is inside the red cell. Hemoglobin is the most important component of red blood cells to be what is responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood. Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin. People with an iron deficiency can not produce hemoglobin, which in turn are necessary


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