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Ebola virus

Por:   •  9/4/2015  •  Artigo  •  366 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  586 Visualizações

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Andre Faria

Mrs. O’Dell


EBOLA viruses

                Ebola virus is one virus that kills a lot of people in Africa, this virus are very dangerous with on contact with humans and until now don’t have treatment. This virus attack all the organ and testis with our body and kill 90% of the victims.

                For the scientists learn about the virus is hard because the virus are dangerous and kill the scientists too so for now, only the hard level security lab can learn about this dangerous virus and until now, don’t have a medicine to keep out the Ebola and the think I go saw for you if you have Ebola is drink a lot a lot of water because your body is the last thing for save you.  

               Currently, most vaccines created using the live virus and genetically modified. Vaccines of this kind require very particular conditions of storage and run the risk of losing power over time. The group of investigators then attempted another approach for the production of vaccines from tobacco leaf. They succeeded in inserting the viral DNA in the sheet, causing it to produce a protein able to make effective vaccine

              This virus kills fast and it’s a horrible died and for indentificte the virus in your body it’s simple. You only need to look if you have: High fever Headache, Joint and muscle aches, Sore thro at Weakness, Stomach pain, Lack of appetite.

This virus is dangerous and until now it’s not 100% save pick the Ebola virus so it’s better be happy without this virus and the Africa is the continent today who afraid of the Ebola because be one’s the most dangerous virus at this time. My name is Andre Faria.





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