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Resenha: Bitsoup. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  18/11/2014  •  Resenha  •  542 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  295 Visualizações

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Bitsoup will not close down 100%. We already have a backup resource ready to step in that will allow some of our members to gain access in the event Bitsoup does not meet its bill payment by 12pm est today. With the donations that came in over the weekend we need 20% to cover the bill. The provider has giving us a final 72hrs to pay the balance. We are so close lets get it done by Wed 12pm noon.

Due to the backup gear being less than half of what we normally run, the server loads will not allow us to run at full capacity. While we do not want to block anyone from using Bitsoup, members who help pay the bills must always come first.

Therefore, starting with Platinum and above, then VIP, will be the first classes with access to the site if we have to downsize. Then Power User, and so on. Power users will only be allowed onto the site as allowed by the hardware load. It will have to be this this way until such time the bills are paid and main site access is restored. If a membership expires during the restricted period, you may unfortunately loose access until the site reopens to the public.

None of this needs to happen if we see a few members to buy us some breathing room and get us into 2015 where we can look at other income sources. We are 20% away from covering the the bandwidth bill then we have to get the November bills paid.

Again, if just a small percentage of people donate who have not already done so, all this can be avoided and could even be avoided in the future with your continued support. Please help us get through this hard time. We had the same issue back in July and members were there to step up. Now is even more of an issue as this is busy season on the site and tons of content to come out for all of us to enjoy.

To date, we have already stated we had to use many different forms of promotions to increase the donor pool. Many people have seen the downfall of such promo's have come to the surface for Bitsoup. Far too many members have way to much credit and no need/desire to get more so they don't think they need or should donate any longer. This just isn't true as we need donations every month, not just when we run specials.

I will not continue to beg for support, but I will not let Bitsoup close either. If I have to make some major changes to stay on-line I will. Its all up to you the members. 24hrs from now will tell us how important Bitsoup is to its members.

Therefore its very important to every single person on Bitsoup that we can achieve the goal over the next 2 days. And more importantly, for every month to come. So please consider the loss of Bitsoup when you ponder the choice to donate or not.

Bitsoup is in the hands of you the member. Without you there is no Bitsoup.

Without Bitsoup there are no members. Without Bitsoup all your credit is worthless!!!!


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