Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of diastolic heart failure
Artigo: Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of diastolic heart failure. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: MARIALAURENCIA • 21/9/2013 • Artigo • 650 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 560 Visualizações
Official reprint from UpToDate® ©2013 UpToDate®
Michael R Zile, MD
William H Gaasch, MD
Section Editor
Wilson S Colucci, MD
Deputy Editor
Susan B Yeon, MD, JD, FACC
Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of diastolic heart failure
All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is complete.
Literature review current through: Aug 2013. | This topic last updated: Abr 3, 2013.
INTRODUCTION — Diastolic heart failure (DHF) is a clinical syndrome in which patients have symptoms and
signs of heart failure (HF), normal or near normal left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (EF), normal or near normal
LV volume, and evidence of diastolic dysfunction (eg, abnormal pattern of LV filling and elevated filling
pressures) [1-3]. By contrast, systolic heart failure (SHF) is characterized by increased LV volume and reduced
EF. Among all patients with HF, as many as half have a normal or near normal LVEF [1,4-9]. This condition has
been termed "heart failure with normal ejection fraction" (HFNEF) or “heart failure with preserved ejection fraction”
(HF-PEF) [10]. However, this category (HF-NEF or HF-PEF) encompasses a mixed group of clinical syndromes
that includes DHF as well as other conditions such as valvular heart disease, pericardial disease, and right heart
failure (table 1 and algorithm 1) [11]. (See "Pathophysiology of diastolic heart failure", section on 'Terminology'.)
In patients with DHF, diastolic dysfunction is the dominant cause of the heart failure [1,12,13]. The etiology,
clinical manifestations, and diagnosis of patients with DHF will be reviewed here. Issues related to treatment,
prognosis, and pathophysiology are discussed separately. (See "Treatment and prognosis of diastolic heart
failure" and "Pathophysiology of diastolic heart failure" and "Cellular mechanisms of diastolic dysfunction".)
PREVALENCE AND DEMOGRAPHICS — The prevalence of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFPEF)
and diastolic heart failure (DHF) increases with age [1,6,14]. This was illustrated in a review in which the
estimated prevalence of DHF among patients with HF was 15, 33, and 50 percent at ages <50, 50 to 70, and
>70 years, respectively [1].
A Mayo Clinic study examined all consecutive patients hospitalized with decompensated heart failure from 1987
through 2001 [15]. The proportion of patients with the diagnosis of HF-PEF increased over time and was
significantly higher among community patients than among referral patients (55 versus 45 percent).
HF-PEF is more common in women than men [16-19]. In a chart study of over 19,000 Medicare beneficiaries
hospitalized with the principal discharge diagnosis of HF, 35 percent had a normal EF [16]. Among patients with
normal EF, 79 percent were women, while among those with decreased EF, 49 percent were women. Data from