Tese: GLPI. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: dkcristian • 2/10/2014 • Tese • 328 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 328 Visualizações
GLPI, an initialism for Gestionnaire libre de parc informatique (Free Management of Computer Equipment), was designed by Indepnet Association (a non profit organisation) in 2003.[citation needed]
GLPI is a free asset and IT management software package, it also offers functionalities like servicedesk ITIL or license tracking and software auditing.
Contents [hide]
1 Overview
2 See also
3 References
4 External links
GLPI is a web-based application developed in PHP. Its features[1] include:
Inventory of computers, peripherals, network printers and associated components through an interface with OCS Inventory or FusionInventory.
Management of issues on many environments through creation of tickets, management of tickets, assignment, tickets scheduling, etc.
Licenses management (ITIL compliant)
Assignment of equipment by geographical area to users and groups
Management of business and financial information (purchase, guarantee and extension, damping)
Equipment status management
Management of applications for assistance of all types of equipment inventory
Interface to allow the user to file a support ticket
Business management, contracts, documents related to inventory items
Equipment booking
Management of a Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ).
Report generator: hardware, network or interventions (support).
Multilingual support with 45 languages available.[2][1]
Moreover, GLPI has many plugins [3] that add additional features.
On January, 2009, 1659 entities and 917,597 computers were reported using the software.[4]
By July 8, 2011, 2000 referenced structures and 1,200,000 computers have been reported using the software.[5]
See also[edit]
Portal icon Free Software portal
Comparison of help desk issue tracking software
Comparison of ticket-tracking systems
OCS Inventory
Patrice, Thebault. GLPI (Gestion Libre de Parc Informatique) : Installation et configuration d'une solution de gestion de parc et de helpdesk [GLPI (Management Free IT Park): Installing and configuring a solution of fleet management and helpdesk] (in French). ENI. ISBN 978-2-7460-7008-0.
"Tony", Barzan Antal (2010). "Chapter 7: Integrating OCS-NG with GLPI". OCS Inventory NG 1.02. Packt. ISBN 9781849511100.
Linux-magazine article