Monografias: Joio. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: akirasoon • 21/3/2015 • 7.595 Palavras (31 Páginas) • 285 Visualizações
his file describes general usage information about MAME. It is intended
to cover aspects of using and configuring the program that are common
across operating systems. For additional OS-specific options, please see
the separate documentation for your particular version of MAME.
Using the program
The usual way to run MAME is by telling it to run a particular game:
mame <gamename> [options]
For example:
mame robby -sound none
...will run Robby Roto without sound. There are many, many options
available. All commonly supported options are listed below. Options that
are specific to one operating system or version of MAME will be listed
in a separate document.
An alternative way to run MAME is to give it a command:
mame <command> [parameters]
For example:
mame -listsource gridlee
...will print the name of the source file where the gridlee driver lives
to the screen. There are just a handful of these commands in MAME. They
are all listed below, just before the options list.
Default Keys
All the keys below are fully configurable in the user interface. This list
shows the standard keyboard configuration.
Tab Toggles the configuration menu.
~ Toggles the On Screen Display. When the on-screen display is
visible, you can use the following keys to control it:
Up - select previous parameter to modify
Down - select next parameter to modify
Enter - reset parameter value to its default
Left - decrease the value of the selected parameter
Control+Left - decrease the value by 10x
Shift+Left - decrease the value by 0.1x
Alt+Left - decrease the value by the smallest amount
Right - increase the value of the selected parameter
Control+Right - increase the value by 10x
Shift+Right - increase the value by 0.1x
Alt+Right - increase the value by the smallest amount
If you are running with -debug, this key send a 'break'
in emulation.
P Pauses the game.
Shift+P While paused, advances to next frame.
F2 Service Mode for games that support it.
F3 Resets the game.
Shift+F3 Performs a "hard reset", which tears everything down and re-
creates it from scratch. This is a more thorough and complete
reset than an F3.
Toggle Uneven stretch.
F4 Shows the game palette, decoded GFX, and any tilemaps. Use the
Enter key to switch between the three modes (palette, graphics,
and tilemaps). Press F4 again to turn off the display. The key
controls in each mode vary slightly:
* Palette/colortable mode:
[ ] - switch between palette and colortable modes
Up/Down - scroll up/down one line at a time
Page Up/Page Down - scroll up/down one page at a time
Home/End - move to top/bottom of list
-/+ - increase/decrease the number of colors per row
Enter - switch to graphics viewer
* Graphics mode:
[ ] - switch between different graphics sets
Up/Down - scroll up/down one line at a time
Page Up/Page Down - scroll up/down one page at a time
Home/End - move to top/bottom of list
Left/Right - change color displayed
R - rotate tiles 90 degrees clockwise
-/+ - increase/decrease the number of tiles per row
Enter - switch to tilemap viewer
* Tilemap mode:
[ ] - switch between different tilemaps
Up/Down/Left/Right - scroll 8 pixels at a time
Shift+Up/Down/Left/Right - scroll 1 pixel at a time
Control+Up/Down/Left/Right - scroll 64 pixels at a time