Monografias: LINK MIKROTIK 6.2. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: adriano_leite • 18/11/2013 • 898 Palavras (4 Páginas) • 561 Visualizações
RAID is a symbolic debugger for controlling MACRO-11 programs
during debugging. RAID provides most of the features of ODT, plus
a couple of neat additions. The ODT features which are not present
in RAID are:
o Entering constants as anything other than positive,
octal numbers.
o Radix-50.
o Any of the indirect addressing stuff (_,@,>).
o Searches.
o Messing around with priority.
o Relocation.
None of these should be too hard to add, I just haven't needed any
of them yet. Also, since RAID was originally written on a RSTS/E
system, which won't let you change anything in the PSW which might
affect the system as a whole, RAID only lets you at the condition
codes. Anyway, RAID's advantages are:
o Disassembly.
o Easy octal dumping of large ranges of memory, with
o Processor error trapping.
o Slightly easier-to-use single stepping.
o Uses buffered keyboard input, instead of single-
character input (which bogs down RSTS/E [V7.0, anyway])
The following files are included on the disk:
RAID .RNO RNO source for this file
RAID .DOC this file
RAIDRT.MAC RAID source, RT-11 V04 version
RAIDRT.OBJ RAID object code, RT-11 V04 version
RAIDE .MAC RAID source, RSTS/E V7.0-07 version
RAIDE .OBJ RAID object code, RSTS/E V7.0-07 version
RAID - a Really Awesome Interactive Debugger PAGE 2
RSTS/E V7.0-07 Digby's Bitpile
(the RT-11 version will probably also work under RSTS/E,
but the RSTS/E version makes use of RSTS's better ^C
trapping [.SETCC])
To use RAID: first, you may want to rename the files for whichever
operating system you're using (RAIDE or RAIDRT) to RAID (keeping
the old extensions). Assemble the program to be debugged normally,
as if you were going to run it alone. Then