Solar Power For Buildings
Exames: Solar Power For Buildings. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: • 1/3/2015 • 507 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 196 Visualizações
The heating energy requirement of buildings can be reduced from today’s high levels to
almost zero if buildings are thoroughly insulated, passive solar gains through windows are
used efficiently, and the supply of fresh air takes place via a heat-recovery system.
However, all buildings still have an energy requirement for electricity and warm water
provision which cannot be met by passive measures. Active solar technologies are
especially appropriate for meeting this energy requirement, as the elements can be
integrated into the shell of the building, thus substituting classical building materials and
requiring no additional area. Solar modules for photovoltaic electricity production can be
built like glazing into all common construction systems, and are characterised by a simple,
modular system technology. Thermal collectors with water and air as heat conveyors are
installed for warm water provision and heating support, and can replace complete roof
covers if the collector surface is large. For today’s increasing air-conditioning and cooling
demand, especially in office buildings, thermally driven low-temperature techniques are
interesting; these can use not only solar energy but also waste heat. Apart from electricity
production, solar heating and cooling, solar energy is used in the form of daylight and thus
contributes to a reduction in the growing electricity consumption. The intention of this book
is to deal with all solar technologies relevant to meeting the energy requirements of
buildings, so that both the physical background is understood and also concrete approaches
to planning are discussed. The basic precondition for the sizing of active solar plants is a
reliable database for hourly recorded irradiance values. New statistical procedures enable
the synthesis of hourly radiation data from monthly average values, which are available
world-wide from satellite data, and also partly from ground measurements. For the use of
solar technologies in urban areas, an analysis of the mutual shading of buildings is
particularly relevant.
Solar thermal systems with air- and water-based collectors are a widely used
technology. For the engineer-planner, the system-oriented aspects such as interconnecting,
hydraulics and safety are important, but for the scientific simulation of a thermal system the
heat transfer processes must also be examined in detail. The fact that with thermal
collectors not only heat can be produced, is pointed out in the extensive section on solar
cooling. The current technologies of adsorption and absorption cooling as well as open
sorption-supported air conditioning can all be coupled with thermal collectors and offer a
large energy-saving potential, particularly in office buildings.
Photovoltaic generation of electricity is then discussed, with the necessary basics for
current-voltage characteristics as well as the system-oriented aspects. Since photovoltaics
offers particularly interesting building integration solutions, new procedures for the
calculation of thermal behaviour must be developed. For these new elements, component
characteristic values are derived, which are needed for the building’s heating-requirement
The book concludes with a discussion of passive solar energy use, which plays an
important role in covering heat requirements and in the use of daylight. What is crucial for
the efficiency of solar energy is the effective storage capability of the components, which
must also be known in cases where transparent thermal insulation is used. Linking an
outline of basic physical principles with their applications is designed to facilitate a sound
knowledge of innovative solar-building technologies, and to contribute to their being
accepted in planning practice.