Tese: TOGAF. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: koridallos • 21/2/2014 • Tese • 1.219 Palavras (5 Páginas) • 225 Visualizações
This section provides an executive over view of enter prise architecture, the basic concepts of what it is (not just another name for IT Architecture), and why it is needed. It provides a summary of the benefits of establishing an enterprise architecture and adopting TOGAF to achieve that.
What is an enterprise?
TOGAF defines ‘‘enter prise’’ as any collection of organizations that has a common set of goals. For example, an enter pr ise could be a gover nment agency, a whole cor poration, a division of a cor poration, a single depar tment, or a chain of geographically distant organizations linked together by common ownership.
The ter m ‘‘enter prise’’ in the context of ‘‘enter prise architecture’’ can be used to denote both an entire enter pr ise — encompassing all of its infor mation and technology ser vices, processes, and infrastr ucture — and a specific domain within the enter pr ise. In both cases, the architecture crosses multiple systems, and multiple functional groups within the enter pr ise.
Confusion often arises from the evolving nature of the term ‘‘enterprise’’. An extended enterprise nowadays frequently includes partners, suppliers, and customers. If the goal is to integrate an extended enter pr ise, then the enter pr ise compr ises the par tners, suppliers, and customers, as well as internal business units.
The business operating model concept is useful to determine the nature and scope of the enter prise architecture within an organization. Large cor porations and gover nment agencies may compr ise multiple enter pr ises, and may develop and maintain a number of independent enter prise architectures to address each one. However, there is often much in common about the infor mation systems in each enter pr ise, and there is usually great potential for gain in the
© 2009-2011 The Open Group, All Rights Reserved Personal PDF Edition. Not for redistribution
Part I: Introduction
Executive Overview Introduction
use of a common architecture framework. For example, a common framework can provide a basis for the development of an Architecture Repository for the integration and re-use of models, designs, and baseline data.
Why do I need an enterprise architecture?
The pur pose of enter pr ise architecture is to optimize across the enter pr ise the often fragmented legacy of processes (both manual and automated) into an integrated environment that is responsive to change and suppor tive of the deliver y of the business strategy.
Today’s CEOs know that the effective management and exploitation of infor mation through IT is a key factor to business success, and an indispensable means to achieving competitive advantage. A n enter pr ise architecture addresses this need, by providing a strategic context for the evolution of the IT system in response to the constantly changing needs of the business environment.
Fur ther more, a good enter pr ise architecture enables you to achieve the r ight balance between IT efficiency and business innovation. It allows individual business units to innovate safely in their pursuit of competitive advantage. At the same time, it ensures the needs of the organization for an integrated IT strategy are met, permitting the closest possible synergy across the extended enter pr ise.
The advantages that result from a good enter pr ise architecture br ing impor tant business benefits, which are clearly visible in the net profit or loss of a company or organization:
A more efficient business operation:
— Lower business operation costs
— More agile organization
— Business capabilities shared across the organization — Lower change management costs
— More flexible wor kforce
— Improved business productivity A more efficient IT operation:
— Lower software development, support, and maintenance costs
— Increased portability of applications
— Improved interoperability and easier system and networ k management — Improved ability to address cr itical enter pr ise-wide issues like secur ity — Easier upgrade and exchange of system components
Better return on existing investment, reduced risk for future investment:
— Reduced complexity in the business and IT
— Maximum retur n on investment in existing business and IT infrastr ucture — The flexibility to make, buy, or out-source business and IT solutions
— Reduced risk overall in new investments and their cost of ownership
© 2009-2011 The Open Group, All Rights Reserved Personal PDF Edition. Not for redistribution
Open Group Standard (2011)
Introduction ExecutiveOverview
■ Faster, simpler, and cheaper procurement:
— Buying decisions are simpler, because the infor mation gover ning procurement is
readily available in a coherent plan
— The procurement process is faster — maximizing procurement speed and flexibility