Consultas SQL
Por: odalmeida • 3/5/2015 • Abstract • 601 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 269 Visualizações
rcq.09- 1
"select st.ID_NUMERIC, t.date_started as data_result_teste, st.ID_TEXT as amostras," & _
"MAX(CASE st.COMPONENT_NAME WHEN 'Massa Inicial' THEN st.RESULT_TEXT ELSE '' END) AS Massa_inicial," & _
"MAX(CASE st.COMPONENT_NAME WHEN 'Massa Retido' THEN st.RESULT_TEXT ELSE '' END) AS Massa_retida, " & _
" as Responsável " & _
"from samp_test_result ST, test T, sample S, personnel P " & _
"where st.analysis = 'TESTE_GR_2' " & _
"and st.test_number = t.test_number " & _
"and st.id_numeric = s.id_numeric " & _
"and month(t.date_started) = '" & cmbMes.Text & " ' " & _
"and year(t.date_started) = '" & cmbAno.Text & " ' " & _
"and t.completer = p.[identity] and ST.result_status in ('E','M','C','A') " & _
"GROUP BY st.ID_NUMERIC, t.date_started, st.ID_TEXT, ORDER BY t.date_started"
"select s.ID_NUMERIC, t.date_started as data_result_teste, s.ID_TEXT as amostras," & _
"MAX(CASE r.NAME WHEN 'Massa Inicial' THEN r.TEXT ELSE '' END) AS Massa_inicial," & _
"MAX(CASE r.NAME WHEN 'Massa Retido' THEN r.TEXT ELSE '' END) AS Massa_retida, " & _
" as Responsável " & _
"from result r, test T, sample S, personnel P " & _
"where t.analysis = 'TESTE_PV' " & _
"and t.test_number = r.test_number " & _
"and s.id_numeric = t.sample " & _
"and month(t.date_started) = '" & cmbMes.Text & " ' " & _
"and year(t.date_started) = '" & cmbAno.Text & " ' " & _
"and t.completer = p.[identity] and r.status in ('E','M','C','A') " & _
"GROUP BY s.ID_NUMERIC, t.date_started, s.ID_TEXT, ORDER BY t.date_started"
rcq. 10
"select st.ID_NUMERIC, t.date_started as data_result_teste, st.ID_TEXT as amostras," & _
"MAX(CASE st.COMPONENT_NAME WHEN 'Massa Inicial' THEN st.RESULT_TEXT ELSE '' END) AS Massa_inicial," & _
"MAX(CASE st.COMPONENT_NAME WHEN 'Massa Retido' THEN st.RESULT_TEXT ELSE '' END) AS Massa_retida, " & _
" as Responsável " & _
"from samp_test_result ST, test T, sample S, personnel P " & _
"where st.analysis = 'TESTE_PV' " & _
"and st.test_number = t.test_number " & _
"and st.id_numeric = s.id_numeric " & _
"and month(t.date_started) = '" & cmbMes.Text & " ' " & _
"and year(t.date_started) = '" & cmbAno.Text & " ' " & _
"and t.completer = p.[identity] and ST.result_status in ('E','M','C','A') " & _
"GROUP BY st.ID_NUMERIC, t.date_started, st.ID_TEXT, ORDER BY t.date_started"