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European Journal of Science and Theology, October 2014, Vol.10, Suppl.1, 253-262

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Robert Halenár*

University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Mass Media Communication, Nám. J. Herdu 2, 91701 Trnava, Slovak Republic

(Received 16 June 2014, revised 27 August 2014)

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Problems regarding copyright protection have no universal solution. It is a moral issue. One of 10 Commandments says that “You shall not steal”. Man has the right to private property. The others must respect it. Man has no right to call on foreign thing that he does not belong. Man cannot illegally usurp something that is not his. Breaking  copyright is equal to steeling. On Mount Sinai, God gave Moses 10 Commandments to be followed. They tell us how to live. Transgression of the commandments by a person  is a committing sin. It is always derived from the specific needs of a particular type of subject matter and the environment against which protection is required. Protection solution of author's work in electronic (or digital) form in the online environment requires a specific approach and specific methods. In general it is true that 100% protection against abuse is not possible. Therefore, it is necessary to seek out ways of protecting copyright, which have a preventive effect and costs of their application are minimal.

Keywords: copyright protection, photography, digital form, steganography, Matlab

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  1. Introduction

You shall not steal. The neighbour property includes among material things, his reputation, public recognition, thoughts and trust that one gets from others. If someone appropriates some of its intellectual property, and robs the trust of others by disseminating information about his private ratios, exceeds this commandment even more serious than the injury to tangible property [Desať Božích prikázaní, accessed 02.05.2014, bozich-prikazani.php].

In this sense we can indicate the copyright protection as one of the Ten Commandments. Problematic of copyright is paid much attention now. The Slovak Act defines who the author is, what the work is, and how the work and the author are protected. On the other hand, literature gives an example from practice, from which it is clear that in case of dispute, the burden of proof is almost always on the author [K. Babiaková, Praktické rady ako chrániť autorské

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práva, 6, accessed 20.03.2014, cz/vysocina/prakticke-rady-ako-chranit-autorske-prava/].

„Photographer drafted and passed a number of photos for the client, which, however, did not pay for ordered photos. Photographer applied to the court for payment of the amount owed, and over the course of the proceedings mentioned that some photos did his son, while the court did not submit slides of those pictures. The Court therefore decided in this proceeding as follows: photographer did not show in court proceedings that he is the author of all photos. Photographer was not eligible for proposal, and therefore the court rejected his proposal. Court decision that the burden of proof as a procedural responsibility of the participant for the outcome of the case means the party who has failed to adduce evidence necessary to support his statements carries a possible adverse effects such as a court decision, which will be based on the facts ascertained on the basis of other evidence transferred.“ [K. Babiaková, Praktické rady ako chrániť autorské práva, 6]

There are several ways to protect the rights of the author, but their implementation is largely dependent on the form of the work. What can be regarded as a work is described in the Act 618/2003 from collection laws, paragraph 7th: „Is subject to copyright and other literary work of art and  scientific work, that which is the result of his own intellectual creation of the author, especially:

  1. literary works and computer programs;
  2. oral, submitted or otherwise made literary work, especially speeches and lectures;
  3. theatrical works, especially the dramatic work as musical works, choreographic and pantomime work and other work created for publication;
  4. musical work with text or without text;
  5. audiovisual work, in particular cinematographic work;
  6. painting, drawing, sketch, illustration, sculpture and other works of visual art;
  7. photographic work;
  8. architectural work, especially work of building architecture and urban planning, work of garden architecture and interior design and construction work;
  9. works of applied art;
  10. cartographic work in analogue or in another form.“ [Act 618/2003 collection laws, accessed 20.03.2014, autorsky-zakon/]

  1. Copyright protection

Photography is historically a strict selective medium. This medium, excepting the principle of reproduction, attributed to reality its reverse photogenic system, which we see as signs, artefacts and iconography [1].

If the photograph meets the conditions of its own intellectual creation of the author, is considered a photographic work. Author of such photographic  work obtains a photo copyright which consists of personality and equity components. Creation of the copyright to the photography is automatic and it is no need for the registration, but it brings disadvantages as well, because without registering it is not clearly and easily demonstrable, who has the copyright. This condition is favouring the plagiarists. Author of the photography, to prove his rights, must use all means legal and technical, to make his authorship of the picture clear and demonstrable. One of the basic things that every author should do is to realize his basic right and photography mark with his name or a pseudonym. Marking the photo can be done by inserting the author‟s name directly on the photo or photo below, while the menu can be supplied with the character © (copyright) and date of the work creation. Indication of authorship can also be put under the photo, or next to it. To indicate the name of the author photo in electronic form, there are several technical methods, which should act  as a preventative proof of authorship [K. Babiaková, Praktické rady ako chrániť autorské práva, 2-4].


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