Xti Preset
Exames: Xti Preset. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: wwsom • 27/10/2013 • 346 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 581 Visualizações
XTi Device & Preset Files for JBL Tunings
Band Manager
The JBL Tuning Files for Band Manager are installed automatically into the “My Documents” folder on your computer in the Band Manager folder then the JBL Speaker Files folder. These files (which are the same ones as System Architect 1.9 and newer) should be used with Band Manager. For information about how to load the files, please refer to the help file within the software.
System Architect
Due to minor changes between System Architect version 1.8 and System Architect version 1.9 there are two sets device files and preset files available for the XTi amplifiers that contain the JBL Tunings for various speaker cabinets. These tuning files are installed by default into the “My Documents” folder on your computer in the Harman Pro folder. If you already have System Architect installed, the proper files are already installed. For information about how to load the files, please refer to the help file within the software.
For System Architect 1.8 and older use the following files (if you have show extensions turned on the extension is “.XTi.Device” or “.XTi.preset”):
• Device Files
o JRX Tunings 2-05-08
o MRX Tunings 2-05-08
o SRX700 Presets ALL 8-15-07 Revised
o VRX Tunings 8-15-07
o VRX928LA and VRX915S
o VRX932LA-1 and VRX918S
• Preset Files
o VRX915M
o VRX915S
o VRX918S
o VRX928LA 1BSub
o VRX928LA 2BSub
o VRX928LA 3BSub
o VRX928LA PSub
o VRX932LA-1 1BFR
o VRX932LA-1 1BSub
o VRX932LA-1 2BFR
o VRX932LA-1 2BSub
o VRX932LA-1 3BFR
o VRX932LA-1 3BSub
o VRX932LA-1 PSub
For Band Manager and System Architect 1.9 and newer use the following files (if you have show extensions turned on the extension is “.XTi.Device” or “.XTi.preset”):
• Device Files
o JRX Tunings Jan 15 2009
o MRX Tunings Jan 15 2009
o VRX Tunings Jan 15 2009
o VRX928LA & VRX915S Jan 15 2009
o VRX932LA-1 & VRX918S Jan 15 2009
• Preset Files
o VRX928LA 1BFR Jan 15 2009
o VRX928LA 2BFR Jan 15 2009
o VRX928LA 3BFR Jan