Z abdsubsaushajda
Por: lulamula • 26/5/2015 • Artigo • 338 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 253 Visualizações
Professional Athletes are always a modal of inspiration life to the Youth. In times of internet, instagram and other tools, such as twitter and facebook, It is possible to the Young people to be as close to their idols as they have never imagined. In other words, throughout these tools, the youth can follow athletes’ routine and lives. However, It is important to point out that is not always a child/teenager should follow them as modals of living, especially if some of these athletes are not “walking on the line”.
Before entering the matter properly, there is one issue that has affected the life of athletes: How the media manipulates and shows the information of the way these people live. Behind the life of one athlete, there are a lot of good behaviours which the youth should follow. For instance, the determination, the focus, the hard work and the commitment of these athletes have to go through to be on the top, are, indeed, a matter which deserves being followed by the others.
Nevertheless, It is hardly seen on the media the good things about the athletes but only the bads. In order to increase audience, the news regarding to them are generally about acting wrongly. Being on drugs, drinking alcohol and driving, abusing and breaking the Law as they act as they were above everything are often shown on the media. Unfortunately, the media shows more the bads than the goods and It can exercise influence negatively on the youth.
In conclusion, following the good attitudes of the Professional athletes seems to be a great benefit to the youth once they can apply it to their lives. Not only in the athletic aspect but also in other profession way. Whatever someone chooses to be as a Professional, the determination to pursue it, the focus on the goal, the hard work and commitment must be present. That Said, as long as the media changes the way of showing “the (good) news”, following Professional athletes sounds reasonable enough.