Por: Toneale • 2/10/2015 • Trabalho acadêmico • 1.352 Palavras (6 Páginas) • 226 Visualizações
Logfile opened at 2015-06-15 12:26:01
12:26:01.105: orientation version 1.0
12:26:01.108: orientation api supported
12:26:01.764: Suite: start
12:26:01.767: platform: Nokia305/07.42
12:26:01.768: locale: pt-BR
12:26:01.769: midletVendor: Nokia
12:26:01.772: midletName: Twitter
12:26:01.773: midletVersion: 1.1.0
12:26:01.774: heliumVersion: 2.2.56
12:26:01.778: buildId: 1362977283144 (Mon Mar 11 04:48:03 GMT 2013)
12:26:01.942: JAR changed, reloading JAR cache
12:26:02.620: Screen.updateSize(): w=240 h=400
12:26:02.668: gesture registered
12:26:02.681: gesture listener set
12:26:02.683: registered gestures
12:26:02.687: runlevelUp, rl=6, isBg=false, changed=true
12:26:02.714: Start module name: main, module=cs@1bc43462
12:26:02.731: poolsize: 77
12:26:02.828: Custom font sizes supported: true
12:26:03.016: Screen.updateSize(): w=240 h=400
12:26:03.065: code main size 21
12:26:03.074: Missing namespace main:language.r2l
12:26:05.065: Loading module twitterapi
12:26:05.168: code twitterapi size 26747
12:26:05.386: Missing string @twitter:TEXT_INFO_TYPE_DIRECT_FAIL
12:26:06.502: code ui size 62071
12:26:06.658: Missing string @twitter:SCREEN_VIEW_CONTACT
12:26:06.663: Missing string @twitter:SCREEN_LINK_CONTACT
12:26:06.668: Missing string @twitter:UNLINK_CONTACT
12:26:06.892: Loading module notification
12:26:06.924: code notification size 3574
12:26:07.150: Loading module sapiconnector
12:26:07.174: code sapiconnector size 2136
12:26:07.298: #sapiconnector#ver: 1.[0-2] returns: 1.2.0
12:26:07.306: Loading module imagefetcher
12:26:07.330: code imagefetcher size 1441
12:26:07.381: SApi receive java.io.IOException:
12:26:07.400: Loading module maps
12:26:07.446: code maps size 8376
12:26:07.653: Loading module util
12:26:07.698: code util size 4897
12:26:07.769: #maps#defaulLocation() mcc: 724 mnc: 11 msin: 3000831058 lat: -15.7801 lon: -47.9292
12:26:07.775: Loading module jsr211
12:26:07.792: code jsr211 size 473
12:26:07.967: trying to get invocation
12:26:07.969: invocation is null
12:26:08.180: sizeChanged: 240x400
12:26:08.186: Screen.updateSize(): w=240 h=400
12:26:08.226: Unloading module jsr211
12:26:08.243: [TONY]showNotify:
12:26:08.392: sizeChanged: 240x400
12:26:08.402: Screen.updateSize(): w=240 h=400
12:26:09.060: CellLocation.getInstance() created
12:26:09.075: setProperties: (cacheSize=1, debugPrint=true)
12:26:09.078: SUPLConnection.getLocation
12:26:09.085: SUPLConnection.run()
12:26:09.087: getLocation( false ) called
12:26:09.091: getCurrentCellParameters: called
12:26:09.098: getSystemProperty(): name, value: com.nokia.mid.networkID, 72411
12:26:09.108: getSystemProperty(): name, value: com.nokia.mid.networkID, 72411
12:26:09.114: getSystemProperty(): name, value: com.nokia.mid.lac, 7027
12:26:09.121: getSystemProperty(): name, value: Cell-ID, 59321
12:26:09.126: system property MCC 724
12:26:09.128: system property MNC 11
12:26:09.131: system property LAC 7027
12:26:09.133: system property CellId 59321
12:26:09.136: getLocation: not cached - ask SUPL
12:26:09.142: getLocation: get dataBearer and IMSI
12:26:09.154: getSystemProperty(): name, value: com.nokia.midp.impl.isa.network.databearer, EGPRS
12:26:09.188: data bearer is GSM
12:26:09.196: getSystemProperty(): name, value: com.nokia.mid.imsi, 724113000831058
12:26:09.200: getLocation: begin opening connection: ssl://supl.nokia.com:7275
12:26:10.857: [TONY]hideNotify:
12:26:30.147: [TONY]showNotify:
12:26:30.325: sizeChanged: 240x400
12:26:30.329: Screen.updateSize(): w=240 h=400
12:26:32.780: runlevelDown, rl=0, isBg=true, changed=true
12:26:32.785: Unloading module util
12:26:32.798: Unloading module maps
12:26:32.810: Unloading module imagefetcher
12:26:32.815: Unloading module sapiconnector
12:26:32.830: Unloading module notification
12:26:32.835: Unloading module ui
12:26:32.842: Unloading module twitterapi
12:26:32.849: Unloading module main