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Vantagens do licenciamento de ativos intangíveis

Artigo: Vantagens do licenciamento de ativos intangíveis. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  15/11/2013  •  Artigo  •  613 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  358 Visualizações

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Identifying means of protection. Worthy of legal protection are the name, the app and the idea itself. The projector will need to be patented; also the name will need to be protected by a trademark, and the idea as a trade secret. The differences are: the patent, needs to be registered and it lasts 20 years, but the trade secret does not need to be registered and it is not limited in time; and the trademark can be either register or being established by use in the marketplace. The protection is much higher in the patent than in the trade secret but it is also more expensive and through a long process, and the trade secret is not limited in time while the patent is, on the other hand the trademark is more protected if you register it because no other company can copy your idea.

You cannot protect one intangible by more than one mean. Our strategy is that we will patent the projector by registering it in the patent office, the idea and the app will be a trade secret which we do not need to register it, and the name will be a trademark and we will not register it just by its use in the market.

Analyzing vulnerabilities. Regarding how can we protect from someone who may whish to profit by exploiting our innovations we will follow the strategy previously explained (patent, trademark and trade secret). We think that it will be enough safety for our project, following those steps we hope that nobody will steal or copy our idea. On the other hand on the bylaws we will specify that the engineer in charge of the project will be just the inventor but he will not get profit besides us from it, or exploit the product apart from us. We will be the holders of the patent as we are the company itself. As our project is something new, it is not already in the market, we will not have to protect from other companies that have similar products, because there are no similar companies. Although the idea of the projector will be the most vulnerable intangible, the one that other companies may claim as theirs.

Planning legitimate uses. Innovation management is an important part of the business, due to our sector of work, because it’s constantly growing in terms of new technologies. Two people will compose the head of this management innovation structure: Marina Espegel due to her future vision and management skills, and her co-worker CTO (chief technology officer) who will be the engineer in charge of the creation of new products. When an idea is proposed will be the engineer the one who carries it on and develops it.

The intangibles will be part of the company no matter the structure of the innovation management, because the head of the innovation management is one of the owners of the firm and this work position will only be reflected on her salary.

Advantages of licensing our intangibles are: diminishing costs due to the user of the intangible carries with them, we still have the ownership of the patent of the product, decrease in responsibilities such as promotion, developing or introduction in the market of the product. And the disadvantages are: during that period we do not get the profits from the product, also you could have some problems over the license agreement with the other party.

We will not be conceding licenses at least from the beginning because we want to keep all the benefits from our product and minimizing risks, at


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