Tese: Inspiração. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: rovani31 • 12/2/2015 • Tese • 636 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 170 Visualizações
This, the third session of "Learning How to Learn," is drawing towards a close. We are in awe of you—of the richness of your desire to learn and stretch yourself, and to try new things. It's hard to believe, but there are now 216,711 of you in the session—well over a half a million in total from all three sessions so far—busy spreading the word about learning through your own amazing teaching. You yourself are our inspiration. Working with you in this course has been one of the most rewarding experiences of our lives.
Help Us with a Survey
Of great importance to us as we try to improve "Learning How to Learn"—and other MOOCs—is that we have an important end-of-course survey that we would really appreciate if you might fill out. We will let you know the results of the survey later this month.
Google Hangout
We had a wonderful Google Hangout organized by course TAs Ricardo Calil and MaryAnne Nestor, with Barb and LHTL students from around the world who shared their thoughts about the course and dreams about the future. If you'd like to check it out, go here.
And don't forget, if you speak two (or more!) languages and would also like to help translate "Learning How to Learn," we could really use your help! Here is where you would go to sign up. Once you are signed up here is a direct link to the "Learning How to Learn" project so you can find it immediately. If you are unable to see the project that means there's something up with your sign up or permissions. Please just email and the translation team will be happy to help troubleshoot what might be blocking you.
Last Note on Assignments
If you are completing the assignments, don't forget the final examination and the evaluation of your peers for the 2nd assignments, both of which are due today, February 2, 11:59 PM EST (UTC - 5:00). Final grades will be posted within a few days after the course ends. If you enrolled for a verified certificate, you will be receiving notification of your achievement directly from Coursera within the next few weeks. To stay in touch with our class, keep in mind that the Twitter hashtag for this session is #LH2L3 (which will change for the coming new On Demand session––keep an eye on the Twitter feed for more info on what the new hashtag will be), our Twitter account is @LHTL_MOOC, and we have a Facebook page here.
A Shout Out to Coursera
We would like to give a great shout out to the wonderful people at Coursera. It's hard to communicate how dedicated the people at Coursera are to making high quality education materials available around the world, most especially for the disadvantaged. This isn't just lip service—we've watched them work tirelessly behind the scenes, for example, to provide top quality, free education for people who live in some of the world's most dangerous situations. And they've gone way above and beyond to bring you the best experience possible (even reading through our draft surveys late in the evenings and catching Barb's mistakes!). Corporations like Coursera provide an invaluable