Atps Transf De Calor Tabela
Artigos Científicos: Atps Transf De Calor Tabela. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: magnoaguiar • 27/11/2014 • 435 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 325 Visualizações
With specific and direct references to the text discuss how Polonius' advice to Laertes reveals the true character of the speaker
Polonius' view of how to act properly towards others demonstrates how he lives in a world of show and status. His advice to Laertes is given in vain, as at attempt to keep him as a reflection of himself. Clearly, Polonius wants Laertes to “grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel” in order to bound them as two kindred spirits, creating a new friendship. Though Polonius warns not to “dull thy palm with entertainment of each new-hatch'd, unfledged comrade” since the inexperienced, lower class will not create any advantage for either of them. This illustrates that Polonius's character is one without the knowledge of mutual friendship, and lacks sincerity towards whom he is involved with. Polonius cautions Laertes to be secretive by “giv[ing] every man thy ear, but few thy voice” therefore maintaining valuable connections, and gaining knowledge and consequently power, but giving little genuine interest into a relationship. Polonius has a disingenuous opinion on how to deal with friends by emphasizing to Laertes to “be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar.” Telling him to “give thy thoughts no tongue,” creates the idea that Polonius wants him to be benignant but keep distance, and to listen but keep silent. He advises to his son to be able to draw upon many manufactured connections, but to not make himself too common. It demonstrates that Polonius has learned to gain higher status when not revealing himself since he has a dishonest character. Laertes is advised to take ones' criticism “but reserve thy judgement”. Although in a latter sentence is told “to thine ownself be true,” creating many contradicting opinions. This proposes the idea that Polonius' relationship with his son, like all his other relationships, is superficial and he knows little of his son's true character . He tells his son to be himself, “as the night the day”, yet doesn't know who that person is and therefore can only advise him on his behaviour.
Polonius bluntly requests that Laertes fools people into believing he is wealthy by dressing as the rich do in order to to create an ideal persona. His son is to “not express'd in fancy; rich, not gaudy” implying that Polonius has a fear of him standing out, to be discovered as an imposter and having the family name corrupted. He is mainly concerned about status, with a fake it until you make it sentiment. Having the idea that “apparel oft proclaims the man” Polonius imparts on his son the ide