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Trabalho Escolar: Materrx. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  16/3/2015  •  717 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  207 Visualizações

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This research aims to identify the type of the development in the municipality of Itaguai, in

Rio de Janeiro, considered the characteristics of Local Development. The high public and

private investment in the region result in a substantial increase in the municipal tax collection

and one of the highest GNP per capita in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro. In

parallel, we observed that government transfers of federal and state funds to the

municipality, also increased significantly. The accelerated growth that has been experienced

in the city is entered in the study of comparative indicators of socioeconomic development,

such as the Human Development Index of Municipalities, HDI-M form. Based on the

theoretical framework of Local Development, establishes a critical analysis about the

processes that could lead to a real appreciation of the local identity and its territory. As a

result, we identify the existence of several cities in one, unconfiguring the category of

municipality, the existence of powers and interests that overlap. In general, weak popular

participation, competition-oriented market, non-priority educational development, low

entrepreneurial action, lack of formal networks, governance process in critical condition, local

colonel conduct evidence and valuation of private interests at the expense of collective

appear as a result of semi-structured interviews in the case study, the direct non-participant

observation and literature search. It is also evident that the grand investment process has its

origin in the direct interest of Itaguai privileged geographic location and its logistical benefits,

during which are clearly broken local characteristics.

Keywords: Itaguai, Local Development, Land Development, Public and Private

This research aims to identify the type of the development in the municipality of Itaguai, in

Rio de Janeiro, considered the characteristics of Local Development. The high public and

private investment in the region result in a substantial increase in the municipal tax collection

and one of the highest GNP per capita in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro. In

parallel, we observed that government transfers of federal and state funds to the

municipality, also increased significantly. The accelerated growth that has been experienced

in the city is entered in the study of comparative indicators of socioeconomic development,

such as the Human Development Index of Municipalities, HDI-M form. Based on the

theoretical framework of Local Development, establishes a critical analysis about the

processes that could lead to a real appreciation of the local identity and its territory. As a

result, we identify the existence of several cities in one, unconfiguring the category of

municipality, the existence of powers and interests that overlap. In general, weak popular

participation, competition-oriented market, non-priority educational development, low

entrepreneurial action, lack of formal networks, governance process in critical condition, local

colonel conduct evidence and valuation of private interests at the expense of collective

appear as a result of semi-structured interviews in


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