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Trabalho academico de Inglês

Por:   •  26/5/2015  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  961 Palavras (4 Páginas)  •  255 Visualizações

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Pratice Makes  Perfect

  1. Complete the sentences with the verb “to be” in the correct form (am, are or is).

  1. She  ....................talking with her friend on the phone.
  2. Gregory ...................eating a sandwich for lunch.
  3. We ....................playing basketball winth our friendhs.
  4. You .....................speaking English very well.
  5. I .....................writing a letter to my cousin.
  6. They ............. reading a soccer game on TV.
  7. He ..................reading the newspaper.
  8. Bob and Julie .........................doing their Spanish Homework.
  9. The dog ............................sleeping on the sofá.
  10. The school .............................having a sports competition.

  1. Put the following sentences in the negative.
  1. We are having  great time.


  1. She is washing her hair.


  1. Frank is jogging in the park.


  1. We are learning to speak French.


  1. You are brushing your teeth.


  1. George is getting up right now.


  1. I am enjoying our conversation.


  1. They are talking to their parents about the trip.


  1. For each of the pronouns give the contracted form in the affirmative and the negative. Number 2 is done for you.

                                            AFFIRMATIVE                                                                       NEGATIVE

  1. I                                    .....................................                                                      ...............................

  1. YOU                                    You´re                                                                        You´re not or You aren´t
  1. HE                                ........................................                                             .......................................    
  1. SHE                            ............................................                                          .........................................
  1. IT                                ............................................                                         ...........................................
  1. WE                           ...............................................                                       ............................................
  1. YOU                          ...............................................                                      ............................................
  1. THEY                       .................................................                                     ................................................


  1. Write questions for the answers.

  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Bill studying in his room.

  1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

We are watching a very good movie.

  1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Yes, I am reading the magazine.

  1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

They are swimming at the club.

  1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

She is studying because she hás a test tomorrow.

  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Janet is singing

  1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

No, we aren´t cooking dinner.

  1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Paul is shopping for a new pair of jeans.


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