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2014 Pilnet

Dissertações: 2014 Pilnet. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  20/3/2014  •  332 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  210 Visualizações

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Please be sure to read the program announcement accompanying this application carefully before submission. For clarity, please print in capital letters or type (please do not use all capital letters if you type).

I. Personal Information

Name (family/last name, given/first name): Santana.

Personal mailing address:

II. Employment

Present place of employment: Tribunal de Contas do Estado da Paraíba

Address: Street Professor Geraldo Von Sohsten, 147 - Jaguaribe

Telephone/fax/e-mail: (83)32083300/32093364

Position: João Pessoa/ Paraíba

Name of immediate supervisor:

Date of membership in your country's bar association:01/02/2014

III. Languages

English: Please note level and provide a copy of your TOEFL report or other English language test, if possible.

Elementary Intermediate Good Advanced

Spoken  X  

Reading  X  

Written  X  

Other languages (use additional space, if necessary): Spanish

Elementary Intermediate Good Advanced

Spoken   X 

Reading   X 

Written   X 

V. Instructions

Applicants MUST submit the following documents (all non-English materials must be accompanied by an English translation):

1. A completed program application form;

2. A curriculum vitae or resume;

3. A nominating letter from ¬¬the organization where the applicant is employed, supporting the candidate’s application to the program and indicating how applicant’s participation in the PILnet Fellowship would benefit the organization/institution;

4. Two recommendation letters from individuals familiar with the candidate’s professional abilities. At least one recommendation letter must come from an individual outside of the nominating organization;

5. A description of a rule of law project that the applicant would like to work on during the program, with practical significance to his/her work upon returning home;

6. A statement of purpose describing the candidate’s motivation for applying to the PILnet Fellowship and how prior professional and academic experiences have prepared him/her to succeed as a PILnet Fellow (1000 words maximum);


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