Chase And Gunfire At US Capitol - CNN, BBC, Reddit, Twitter
Artigo: Chase And Gunfire At US Capitol - CNN, BBC, Reddit, Twitter. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: otaviocs2010 • 3/10/2013 • 288 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 401 Visualizações
“A wild car chase Thursday that started near the White House ended minutes later in gunfire at the U.S. Capitol, creating a chaotic scene of blaring sirens, locked-down lawmakers and bystanders hitting the dirt.” This was the central news in today’s CNN website. This event was reported and spread worldwide in seconds thanks to the bottom up and top down sources available for us. CNN and BBC are example of Top-down models where the news were transmitted in a very formal and narrative way, written in third person, making it an even bigger drama. Top-down models are seen as the most reliable source and have the main characteristic of writing very detailed and explanatory news focused in a main point, in this case the driver behavior on the situation and forgetting the others involved in it. The bottom-up models such as Facebook, Twitter and Reddit showed a totally different view of the story, where there a lot of discussion about the cops attitude to shoot a car with a Baby on board, comments and different concerns about it. A twitter named by “@CammeeLee” also satirized the cops work position where he is crouched on the floor by commenting “Officer occupying an elevated position ~Merica!” and posting a picture of it.
By no means CNN and BBC highly informed reports did a great job by giving all the information very detailed and updated about this case without any controversy characterizing the Top-down source model. However the bottom-down model gave us a much more embracing perspective views, where we are able to see the two different sides of the story and judge it by what we think happened or not. Facebook, Twitter and Reddit are definitely more vulnerable to positive feedback.