Dictation 97
Dissertações: Dictation 97. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: Dieine67 • 13/2/2015 • 277 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 171 Visualizações
dictation 97
She picked up her wedding ring from the floor and put it back on her finger. A bird has a pair of wings and a tail. The value of goods depends a great deal on how much they are in demand. The ball rolled straight towards me. Unless the sea is extremely rough,i never feel seasick. Please stop rocking the chair backwards and forwards. Most people like to live a quiet life,but often find their lives are interfered with by those who like to stir up trouble. A chicken is not a very brave bird.
Dictation 98
The storm had caused a lot of damage on the beach ,which took a lot of tidying up. It was the first time he had ever spoken in public, and it was clear that the poor man was suffering from stage fright. Our plans were at a very advanced stage of development when we suddenly had to change them entirely,, andin doing so received a stream of emails protesting about our decision. They all went tothe railway station to wave goodbye to their guest.
Dictation 99
I am afraid I cannot recommend him for the job. The soldier was wounded during the battle. The deccided to separete and sit at separate tables. We generally finish a business letter with Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely. When we apply for a job, the manager, or whoever it might be, usually asks for a reference. The corn stood shoulder high but was, unfortunately, full of weeds. Thereis still a chance that the envelope containing the money might be found. It was onlya slight injury, so there was no need to visiti the hospital.