- Trabalhos, Monografias, Artigos, Exames, Resumos de livros, Dissertações


Por:   •  23/1/2021  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  395 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  137 Visualizações

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Sweet Home

Hi, my name is John. I am 12 years old. My father is Tom. He is a doctor and my mother is Leah, she is a nurse. I have two brothers, Peter and Paul. Our home is very big. Every weekend my family and I go to our farm. We are a very happy family and we play a lot together. Today is Saturday. It’s sunny day. My family and I are on our farm.

There are a lot of animals here: cows, pigs, chicks, ducks, birds, a black dog and a parrot. Our house is very big. There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a big living room. There is also a big swimming pool behing our house with a barbecue place. I am under a big tree Sally is in front of the cows. Emily is on her bike. My grandmother and my mother are in  the Kitchen cooking the meal. My father is talking to my grandfather in the living room. Life here is wonderful!

  1. Circule as preposições de lugar presentes no texto: in, on, under, behing, between, in front of, next to:

  1. Qual é o assunto do texto? ___________________________________

  1. Complete com as preposições de lugar: NEXT TO, BETWEEN, IN FRONT OF, UNDER.
  1. I am __________ my friend        c) The teacher is: ___________ the class

(próximo)                                   (em frente)

  1. The dog is _______ the tree        d) You are ________ the boy and the girl

(encima)                                    (entre)

    4. Dê o nome dos países:

     Japan _____________  Portugal _________________ Africa _________________

     Italy ______________  Brazil ___________________ Argentina_______________

    Thailand ___________ Russia ___________________

  5. Dê o significado:

a) Bank ______________ b) Phamarcy _____________ c) Chocolate _____________

6. Leia a frase:  I am 12 years old.

a) Reescreva na forma negativa e interrogativa do verbo to be:




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