Um objeto contador
Artigo: Um objeto contador. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: velcro • 19/9/2013 • Artigo • 351 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 297 Visualizações
The last section defined one counter object. What do we do if we need more
than one counter? It would be nice to have a “factory” that can make as many
counters as we need. Such a factory is called a class. Here is one way to define
fun {NewCounter}
C Bump Read in
C={NewCell 0}
fun {Bump}
fun {Read}
counter(bump:Bump read:Read)
NewCounter is a function that creates a new cell and returns new Bump and Read
functions for it. Returning functions as results of functions is another form of
higher-order programming.
We group the Bump and Read functions together into one compound data
structure called a record. The record counter(bump:Bump read:Read) is characterized
by its label counter and by its two fields, called bump and read. Let
us create two counters:
c 2001-3 by P. Van Roy and S. Haridi. All rights reserved.
1.15 Nondeterminism and time 21
C={NewCell 0} C:=2 C:=1
C={NewCell 0} C:=1 C:=2
final content of C is 1
final content of C is 2
First execution:
Second execution:
Figure 1.4: All possible executions of the first nondeterministic example
Each counter has its own internal memory and its own Bump and Read functions.
We can access these functions by using the “.” (dot) operator. Ctr1.bump
accesses the Bump function of the first counter. Let us bump the first counter and
display its result:
{Browse {Ctr1.bump}}
Towards object-oriented programming
We have given an example of a simple class, NewCounter, that defines two operations,
Bump and Read. Operations defined inside classes are usually called
methods. The class can be used to make as many counter objects as we need.
All these objects share the