Women Are Not Rocket Science. True Or False?
Pesquisas Acadêmicas: Women Are Not Rocket Science. True Or False?. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: • 18/3/2015 • 391 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 344 Visualizações
First, I will tell you my personal opinion about the subject.
We, women, are not complicated and we are not rocket science; we are easy to deal with.
We like to be understood, respected, loved and valued.
Every woman has a personality, her own strengths and weaknesses. We do not like to be treated as an option and, generally, we have a more obvious point of view than men have.
We do not get easily angry and we are not materialistic, we only like things our way, and we like to have a lot of choices in our wardrobes.
It doesn’t take us hours to get ready for nothing, we want to hear compliments. When it takes us longer to get ready, it means we want to please someone.
From this point of view, we are definitely not rocket science and if you understand us, we can be your best friends.
Now, let me tell you about some Historical facts.
For several years, women had to fight to get their rights; some have died to achieve them.
A long time ago, women had to be responsible for the household and childcare activities during the day and, at night, they had to take care of their husbands; they were not valued. They were obliged to do whatever either their husbands or fathers ordered them to do.
Their opinion or wishes were not taken into account. They were not allowed to get out by themselves. Short clothes were forbidden. When one tried to break any of such rules, she was severely punished and could even be abused on streets.
But times have changed and nowadays women are independent. They have achieved their rights and conquered their space. They work, take care of both their homes and their families. Women now are self-assured, they can get everything they want.
(Aqui você fala uma ideia contrária do que estava dizendo. Pra que repetir que as mulheres sofreram desigualdade? Eu acho melhor tirar, senão vai ficar andando em círculos, não chegando a lugar algum)
Women once have been considered ‘fragile’. If they are fragile, why is there a woman ruling our country?
So, after all this, do you still consider women rocket science?
To finish, I would like to advise you something: never try to make a woman change her mind.