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Watch A Short Film Starred By The New Spider-Man Tom Holland

Por:   •  15/7/2015  •  Artigo  •  275 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  439 Visualizações

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Let's step back a little of talking about the "[I]All-New, All-Different[/I]" Marvel Comics, how bold they are of making Sam Wilson Captain America, Jane Foster the new Thor and Miles Morales the new Spider-Man. Let's try to take a look behind the curtains and try to make sense of what is happening beyond the smoke screen of what the PR is selling us and try to make sense of what is really going on behind the scenes because I've gotta say that I'm having trouble understanding myself.

The question is: Whatever the hell is happening with Marvel Comics right now?

I love Dan Slott. I've been on record saying that I'd like for him to write Spider-Man forever or until the day he dies, because I really love his take on Peter Parker. I also love what Jason Aaron is doing with Thor, and I thought that Jane Foster becoming Thor was an interesting new wrinkle on Thor's mythology. I welcome the push Marvel is doing making characters that represent the minorities into the spotlight, but am I the only one that was left almost completely underwhelmed

While we wait for an oficial pronouncement of the new Peter Parker about getting the chance of becoming the definitive Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, watch this touching short film directed by Lloyd Cook and starred by Tom Holland that was made two years ago, called “Moments”.

Our new Spider-Man is expected to debut in Captain America: Civil War next on May, 6th, 2016, while his still untitled Spider-Man solo film, produced by Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures, will hit the theaters on July, 28th, 2017.


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