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O Perissoto Sociologia

Por:   •  21/4/2019  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  354 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  74 Visualizações

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FIN 101 – Reflection #1

  1. How do I avoid becoming a victim of righteous greed?
  2. How does the law of the harvest apply in my life?
  3. How do I assure that my financial goals are attainable?

As we are all humans and susceptible to temptation, we’ll all at some point of our lives come to the thought that if we are doing the things our Heavenly Father requires from us, he is obligated to bless us. In fact, the scriptures attest this thought as true, but not in the way we may think, God will bless us, but not with the blessing that we require, but with the blessing He wants to give us. To avoid this kind of thought, we must develop gratitude for everything our Father already gave to us, and if happens that He bless us more, we shall thank him even more. It doesn’t matter what we do, we ‘still indebted unto him, and will be, forever and ever’.

Our lives today are as the parable of the talents. God gave us infinite things to cultivate, as what we plant, we will harvest. It can be in a spiritual way, with scripture study that will bring us more knowledge about God’s ways, or in a temporal matter, going to the college and acquiring the skills required to be self-reliant. We must be careful not to sow bad things because the harvest is involuntary, we will get back unto us what we plant. It all depends of the way we use our agency.

A goal is attainable if we can stablish a step-to-step wisely and in a realistic way. You must climb all the all to the goal from where you are right now, as an example: Your goal is to collect ten thousand dollars and now you have ten bucks. You must figure it out a way to collect more ninety-nine hundred dollars, and for that you can work, earning a thousand dollars monthly and saving five hundred for achieve your goal. In less than two years you will achieve it. This is an attainable goal because each step is defined and planned.


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