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Genealogia Do Mestre De Campo Lourenço Belfort

Pesquisas Acadêmicas: Genealogia Do Mestre De Campo Lourenço Belfort. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

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Ascendentes do Mestre de Campo Lourenço Belfort

De acordo com o texto “The Berfords of Kilrue” publicado no periódico Riocht na Midhe, Records of Meath Archeological and Historical Society, Vol VI nº 4 (1978-1979)

Roland de Bureford – three fees in the diocese of Hereford (England)

1st Generation

Geoffrey (layman) de Burford (? – 1214/1215)

(Master) Richard de Bureford(priest)

2nd Generation

de Burford – archdeacon of Meath 1226-44




3rd Generation

3.1 Walter de Burford - Ratoath 1290 / Ballybin (1291)

Cy: Agatha

4.1 Roger Birford

5.1 Walter Birford

6.1 Thomas


7. 1 Anne

Cy: Robert, Baron of Howth

6.2 Joan

Cy: Richard White of Clenegall - 1385

5.2 Richard or Simon – 1363

Received from Roger, son of Walter Birford ten messuages and a carucate of land in Typerdernok (mod. Graigs) and Donaghmore near Navan

6.3 Roger Birford of Kilrue / Kilrowe (1363, 1373)

7.2 Simon Birford of Kilrue

Guardian of the peace (custos pacis) for the barony of Ratoath in a pipe roll of the period 1402-5

8.1 Christopher Birford of Kilrue

Cy: Joan/ Jane Petit

9.1 Thomas Berford of (born circa 1435 at Kilrowe head of the family from 1470 to 1500)

Cy: Genet (Janet) Eustace (born about 1433)

10.1 Anne Birford of Kilrow (born about 1461)

Cy: Berminghan of Baldungan (Ballydungan, Kilscoran, Wexford), Co. Dublin. Married about 1482

11.1 Anne Bermingham (born circa 1487 dead circa 1542)

11.2 Richard Bermingham, (born circa 1485 of, Ballydugnan, Kilscoran, Wexford, Ireland)

Cy: Nicholas St. Lawrence, 4d Baron of Howth, Lord Chancellor of Ireland (born circa 1456 dead 1526). Left a will on February 1505.

11.1 Amorey / Almeric

11.2 Robert

11.3 Katherine

Cy: John Plunkett of Beaulieu

9.2 Edmond

10.2 Simon Byrford of Kilrue (head of the family 1511 – 1555)

Lands in Kilrowe, Herryottistown, Crocksyle, Cabragh, Ballybin by Gormanstown, Ratoath, Taystown, Baltrasney, Donaghmore by the Gragges, all in Co. Meath and Flemingstown by Brymore in Co. Dublin

Cy: Katherine, daughter of Nicholas Cusack of Gerardstown by Joan, daughter and coheir of Thomas Owen of Diswellstown, Co. Dublin

Cy: Elizabeth Pomrey

11.4 Richard Byrford

Cy: Jane daughter of John Cusack, of Cushinstown by Alison Wellesley and sister of Sir Thomas Cusack, the chancellor

12.1 James

Cy: Jane Wafer (died on 6 June 1594)

13.1 John Berford of Kilrue(will in December 1625 died on 9 April 1633)

Cy: Mary, daughter of William Talbot of Dublin

14.1 Michael

Cy: Margaret, daughter of Cristopher St. Lawrence, 9th Baron of Howth and widow of William Fitzwilliam of Dunamon. (dead Feb 16th 1620.)

15.1 Michael Berford of Kilrue

Cy: Margery White

16.1 Ignatius

Trained as a lawyer / master of chancery

17.1 Richard Berford, of Dublin (will in 1748), brewer

Most prominent member of the family in the first half of the 18th century, owing to his being a Protestant and to his marriage connections

Cy: Isabella, sister of George Lowther

18.1 Lancelot/ St Lawrence Berford

Trained as a lawyer. Admitted to the Inner Temple on 15 October 1728 and transferred to the Middle Temple on 27th October 1730. Beneficiary under the wills of his uncles Geoge Lowther (1716) and James Lowther (1733)

18.2 George Berford (Will proved on 14 December 1758)

Cy: Mary, daughter of Sir John Bellew ( marriage license, 6 August 1735.)

19.1 George Berford of Ballymurry


20.1 Richard

20.2 Hester

Cy: George Fairbrother of Gealybeg, Co. Roscommon (marriage articles dated 21 June 1813)

19.2 Elizabeth

19.3 Isabella

18.3 James

18.4 Mary

18.5 Susanna Berford (will in 1797)

18.6 Jane


17.2 Hyacinth

17.3 Lancelot

16.2 Michael Berford of Newtown, parish of Ratoath


17.4 Nicholas of Newton

Cy: Mary Berford

18.7 Michael Berford


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