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A oficina de inglês

Pesquisas Acadêmicas: A oficina de inglês. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  3/6/2013  •  Pesquisas Acadêmicas  •  2.349 Palavras (10 Páginas)  •  421 Visualizações

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To buy

To cost Expensive


To go window shopping Worthless


To afford sth Affordable


To be worth Fair

To save Second-hand

To withdraw money How much is it?

To bargain A customer

To spend money Sales

To be good value for money

To go on a shopping spree

Time is Money !

To sell Available

To refund Under guarantee

To supply Out of stock

To cash A wide choice

To charge for A bargain

To rip off Change

To overprice For sale

To give a discount Shop assistant

To sell like hot cakes


I'd like to buy this sweater, but it is too give you a discount expensive!

2. These cheap TVs are selling like give you a discount hot cakes !

3. Is this item give you a discount available? No sorry, we're out of stock.

4. This box is not give you a discount for sale, you cannot buy it.

5. give you a discount How much is it, please? That's very cheap, only 5€ !

6. She will have to give you a discount save money if she wants to buy a new car.

7. I always buy give you a discount second-hand books.

8. This diamond is give you a discount priceless!

9. When the sales are on, I love going on give you a discount a shopping spree.

10. Don't spend money on clothes, you can't give you a discount afford it.

11. Ask the shop assistant if she can give you a discount .

12. You said you paid 25€ for this? I can't believe it ! You were give you a discount ripped off

43 =» How [No answer] much is this purse?

2. £51=» How much does this handbag [No answer] cost ? It's 51£.

3. £ 20 =» For £20 you can [No answer] buy this bracelet.

4. £38 =» There is a dress [No answer] that costs £38.

5. £32 =» I can't buy that raincoat, [No answer] it's £32 and I've got only £30. (2 words)

6. £40 =» Oh there's a good pair of shoes that [No answer] costs £40.

7. £28 =» Well, let's buy this nice hat! But [No answer] how much does it cost? (2 words)

belt(s) handbag(s)

headscarf (headscarves) scarf (scarves)

glasses sunglasses watch(es)

glove(s) hat(s)



bracelet(s) necklace(s)

ring(s) earring(s)

Parts of clothes

Naturally Speaking

Does it fit?

It's too big. It's too small.

It's too loose. It's too tight.

It's too long. It's too short.


It's Saturday and Mrs Smith has gone shopping with her friend Lucy for a new dress in the sales:-

Mrs Smith: Well Lucy, what do you think?

Lucy: Mmm, it's nice, but I think you need a slightly bigger size. The top is gaping.

Mrs Smith: I think this is the only one. I'd better ask an assistant.

Excuse me? Do you have this in a size 14?

Shop assistant: I'm afraid everything in the sale is out on display.

Mrs Smith: Oh dear, it's just a bit too tight.

Shop assistant: I think we have a size 14 in red.

Mrs Smith: Oh no. Red's just not my colour.

Shop assistant: It's not bright red, it's a nice dark red. Here it is. Why don't you try it on? There's a changing room free over there.


Mrs Smith: It fits like a glove. What do you think Lucy?

Lucy: It looks really nice. I guess red suits you after all.

suit(s) shirt(s) tie(s)

Women's Clothes

dress(es) blouse(s) skirt(s)



coat(s) jacket(s) t-shirt(s)

trouser(s) jean(s) short(s)


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