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Por:   •  30/4/2015  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  315 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  266 Visualizações

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I’m going to talk about abortion.
Abortion is when the woman decides to stop the pregnancy.
Some people think this is an assassination. Other thinks this is normal.
When the topic of abortion is discussed, people tend to assume one of two standpoints: Pro-life or Pro-choice.

Pro life is when they believe that the women should not have the ability to abort a human life because it would be considered an assassination.
The fetus is a human since the moment of conception, this means abortion is assassination, which is immoral and have to be illegal.
If the pregnancy is the result of carelessness on the mother’s part. She has to deal with the consequence. After all, it’s her responsibility to prevent pregnancy.

Pro choice is when they believe that the woman carrying the fetus should decide what she wants, if she keeps carrying the fetus or abort.  
Every child born should come into world wanted, loved and cared, When children is planned, they have a better life because caregivers are better prepared to support the child physically, emotionally and financially.
The fetus is not yet a human because it cannot survive outside the uterus.
Abortion should not be considered assassination if the fetus is not self-sustaining.
A woman’s body belongs to herself, and should be free to do what she deems necessary for her body in any situation.

I don’t know if I am pro life or pro choice. But I don’t agree if the woman decide to abort, because of her carelessness, and she thinks that the child will not have a good life, because she deems she is not prepared. In this case I am extremely against. But there are two situations that I think it’s ok if the woman decides to abort. When she is sexually abused and when the doctor tells her that she has a good chance of dying.


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