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Annotative Assignment

Por:   •  15/9/2016  •  Projeto de pesquisa  •  422 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  212 Visualizações

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Annotative Assignment Due Date: Thurs., Feb. 20


To prepare for the novel study, please read the following contextual information about the novel and then read the novel while annotating and making notes about the following literary devices. When we begin our study in class, I will be working with you under the assumption that you have finished reading or watching the contextual articles as well as the entire novel. You will probably have to re-read the novel as we do our in-class discussions, chapter quizzes, and assignments.


If you need a refresher on how to annotate, here is a useful article:


Step One- Context


Please watch or read the following online web-pages about the the historical context of the novel (which is the 1930's) and the author's biography:


  1. Introduction to the novel:


Original film trailer:



  1. Historical Context:


Good overview (power point presentation) of the context in which the novel takes place:


Good article:


  1. Author's biography:


Good article:




Based on the power-point presentation that you watched and the articles you read, identify what you believe might be the 5 most important, different, or interesting aspects of the context of this novel. In other words, what do you think might be important to keep in mind as you read the novel?


Step Two-Literary Devices


Read To Kill a Mockingbird. While reading, annotate your ideas, write questions, look up unknown vocabulary, make lists of recurring objects or situations, etc. (refer to the "annotating" worksheet for information on how and what to annotate). If you do not know one of the literary devices from the list below, you should look it up.

While reading the novel, identify at least two instances (except point of view) of the following literary devices and identify the page number on which an example of it can be found:


  1. Point of view:
  2. Themes:
  3. Symbols:
  4. Diction/vocabulary of the 1930's:
  5. Motif:
  6. Conflict:
  1. internal (2 examples):
  2. external (2 examples):
  1. Setting:
  1. times (2 examples):
  2. places (2 examples):
  1. Imagery:


What you need to hand in for Wed., Feb. 19:


  1. 5 observations on the novel's contextual setting (e.g. 1930's America)
  2. at least 2 notes on each of the 8 literary devices



Related online and interesting links:


Historical context of novel in pictures and music (14 min. Long):


“To Kill a Mockingbird at 50” (1 hour BBC documentary):


chronology of the Civil Rights Era:


Excerpt from Martin Luther King Jr's “I Have a Dream” speech:


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