Atividade - Reflexive Pronouns + Listening + Musica Big Girls Dont Cry + Tradução
Por: Salatiel Carneiro • 6/3/2016 • Exam • 470 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 6.344 Visualizações
Atividade de Inglês[pic 1]
Escola:__________________________________Turma: ______ Data: ___/___/______
[pic 2]
1. Ouça a música e complete com os espaços vazios:[pic 3]
The smell of your skin _______________ on me now
You're probably on your flight back to your hometown
I need some __________ of my own ____________ ____________
Be with _____________ in center, clarity, peace, Serenity[pic 4]
_________________________, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you[pic 5]
It's _________________, myself and I
We got some straightening out to do
And I'm gonna ______________________
like a child misses their blanket
But I've gotta get a move on with my life
It's time _______________ a big girl now
And big girls _________________________
Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry…
2. Traduza o trecho abaixo:
I hope you know, I hope you know _______________________________________________
That this has nothing to do with you ________________________________________________
It's personal, myself and I ________________________________________________
We got some straightening out to do A gente tem que se acertar em algumas coisas
[pic 6]
3. Traduza as frases abaixo:
a. I myself made a cake for you : ____________________________________________________
b. She does everything by herself: ___________________________________________________
c. No! I wanna build it by myself: ____________________________________________________
d. When you hurt me, really hurt yourself:
4. Escreva essas frases em Inglês:
a. Nós mesmos fizemos um bolo para você:
b. Ela se machucou
c. Ele fez um bolo sozinho
5. Leia as frases abaixo e marque (C) se elas estiverem corretas. Marque (I) se estiverem incorretas. Corrija as incorretas:
a. My dog looks at itself in the mirror → Meu cachorro olha para si mesmo no espelho
( ) ______________________________________________________________________
b. Katy writes songs by himself → Katy escreve músicas sozinha
( ) ______________________________________________________________________
c. The students can do the tests by themselves → Os estudantes podem fazer as provas sozinhos
( ) ______________________________________________________________________
d. You ourselves can buy the presents → Vocês mesmos podem comprar os presentes