Discurso Indireto
Trabalho Escolar: Discurso Indireto. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: samillylorana • 12/3/2014 • 1.559 Palavras (7 Páginas) • 567 Visualizações
1ª) A) Encontre 10 exemplos de situaçoes de direct-speech e indirect- speech
1).liz said, i can go
2)jane said, i may go
3)paul said, i must go/ paul
4) jonh said, i should go
5)she said, I ought to go
6) mary said , I studied every day
7) susan said I will study tomorrow
8) tobby said , I will study tomorrow
9) carol said to him , study hard
10) leo said, I have studied
*10 exemplo de indirect- speech
1) Ringo said, “I study hard to pass my exams”
2) Anthony said “I am going downtown now”.
3) Emilia said “I didn’t buy that dog!”
4) The boys said to his friends “we’ll win the match!”
5) I told my girlfriend that love could tear us apart.
6) I said I had lived there for ages.
7) He told me to close the window.
8) She told me not to open the door.
9) She says the night is coming.
10) Fred said that he would travel the next day.
B) encontre 10 exemplos de situaçoes de report direct e indirect _speech
1- Justice MS sends SUS pay IVF treatment for couples
A couple living in Campo Grande SUS funding ensured that the treatment of in vitro fertilization with donor sperm in a clinic in the city. The court meets action filed by the State Public Defender, who claimed that the woman could not be impaired by the fact that the service provided in the public health system, not be offered in Mato Grosso do Sul The decision date of July 22 this year, granted by Judge Jose Neto Ali Ahmad, the 6 th of Treasury and Public Records of Campo Grande and released on Friday (9) by th Ombudsman. The decision is unprecedented for applicants supported by gratuitous justice in Mato Grosso do Sul, according to advocacy.
The obligation to take action was filed in February 2009 by the nursing technician Ana Paula da Silva Sousa heck, 27 years. Her husband, the driver Paulo Sérgio Parreira, 35, found that had azoospermia, no sperm, resulting from chemotherapy treatment done when he was 12. "I only find that this happened when we decided to have children," says Parreira.The two met in March 2004 and seven months later, they were married. Ana Paula said they planned to have children after two years, but the discovery has frustrated plans. "We knew we had fertility treatment by the SUS, but not in Mato Grosso do Sul, have queued up to three years in another state," he said.
According to the Ministry of Health, assisted reproduction is offered by the SUS, with implementation under the responsibility of local managers. In Brazil, only five accredited hospitals and centers are in Sao Paulo, Pernambuco and Brazil.
Ana Paula said the couple would not be able to afford the procedure at a private clinic, cost estimated at about $ 15 000.They were living with the mother's nursing technique and the sale of the property where they lived, located on the same land to fund the treatment.The driver has decided to seek justice after seeing a story about a similar case in Goiania. "If there they got there, we decided to try it too."
2-Students find it easy to take the 2nd qualifying UERJ
Proof had more than 68,000 registered and will come outSeptember 20.
Many students who took the second qualifying examination at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Sunday (11), found the proof easier. Some had difficulties in math questions, but mostsaid that shrugged off the questions in Portuguese.
"I think I managed a good result, the basics were easy, I founddifficult," said the student of 18 years, Lucas Gabriel da Rocha.The race started at 9am and is expected to be completed in 13h.Daniel Lacorte, 23, found the math questions a little complicated. "I found it difficult mathematics, but Portuguese was easy," he said.Like him, Ana Teixeira, 21, also found no problems at test time. "I want to pedagogy and found the issues in the humanities much easier. Now we'll wait for the next phase of vestibular "he said.
Those who pass will make the final phase of vestibular UERJ, which will open registration next Friday (16th) and will take place onDecember 4. According to UERJ, 68,113 people are registered for the race. The result will be announced on September 20.
3-Five victims testify about accident with tram in Rio de Janeiro
The delegate Tarcisio Jansen, 7th SD (Santa Teresa), heard on the morning of Wednesday (31) five victims of the accident the cable car fell on Saturday (27), at Rua Joaquim Murtinho in Santa Teresa, Centro, leaving five dead.
In total, since Monday (29), testified about 20 victims.
According to police officers who had access to statements, the statements are similar, counting only the victims who felt the boat speed up and heard the saying that the streetcar motorman had no brakes. Still on Wednesday morning, police took the pieces that were in the tram station to the Institute of Criminology Carlos Eboli for analysis.
Angela de Souza, Moradres representative of the Association of Residents of Santa Teresa (Thou hast) said on Wednesday afternoon (31) that the OAB-RJ will install in the