Exames: EXERCISE 39. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: Alemao1980 • 23/6/2014 • 463 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 227 Visualizações
l)What is the difference between "father" and "further"? 2) What is the paradigm of
"wake up"? 3) When do we use the Past Perfect? - and give an example. 4) What is the
paradigm of "to win"? 5) When do we use the Future Progressive Tense? - and give an
example. 6) What do the words " hourly, daily, weekly" etc mean? 7) What two words
do we use when we ask for permission to do something? - and give an example of each.
8) What are the three ways in which we can use the word "catch"? - and give an example
of each. 9) What is the difference between the words "travel" and "journey"? 10) What
is the difference between the words "remember" and "remind"? - and give an example of
each. 11) What is the difference between the words " to" and "at"? - and give an example
of each. 12) What is the difference between the words "soon" and "at once"? 13) What
is the difference between these two sentences? - "I am going to London" and "I am going
towards London"?
1) "Further" means the same as "farther", but it also means "in addition" or "extra". 2)
The paradigm of "wake up" is "wake up - woke up - woken up". 3) We use the Past
Perfect when there are two actions that are both in the past, but one action is before the
other. For example, "I had studied English before I went to England". 4) "Win - won -
won". 5) We use the Future Progressive Tense for a continuous action in the future. For
example, "I shall be working all day tomorrow". 6) The words "hourly, daily, weekly"
etc mean "every hour, every day, every week" etc. 7) We use "may" and "can" when we
ask permission to do something. For example, "May I leave the room, please?" or "Can I
leave the room, please?" 8) We can use the word "catch" in expressions such as "to catch
a ball, catch a train, catch a cold" etc. 9) The words "travel" and "journey" have more-orless
the same meaning, but we generally use "travel" as a verb and "journey" as a noun.
10) The difference between the words "remember" and "remind" is that "I remember
something without help", whereas "If I forget something, somebody reminds me of it."