English Test
Por: Taínes Basso • 28/11/2016 • Trabalho acadêmico • 796 Palavras (4 Páginas) • 256 Visualizações
Studant´s name:_________________________________________________________
- Complete the sentences with: AM, IS, ARE.
- Mary ________ a good studant.
- We _______ play videogames.
- John and Bia _______ friends.
- Nick ______ a soccer player.
- I ______ twenty-two years old.
- The man ______ young.
- Translate the name of the colors:
Dark green: __________________________________________________
Light blue: ___________________________________________________
Gray: _______________________________________________________
Purple: ______________________________________________________
Silver: _______________________________________________________
Gold: ________________________________________________________
- Write the number:
130 = ___________________________________________________________
78 = ____________________________________________________________
153 = ___________________________________________________________
67 = ____________________________________________________________
186 = ___________________________________________________________
- = ___________________________________________________________
- Complete with the number and write the name of the fruits and vegetables:
[pic 1]
- Macth the coluns with the verbs:
Drink Aplaudir
Clean up Cozinhar
Eat Gritar
Cook Comer
Dance Beber
Sing Limpar
Clap Cantar
Shout Dançar
- Complete the sentences:
A: Hello, happy ______________________, this gift _____ for you.
B: __________________ you!
A: Hello, how are you?
B: ___________________________________________?
A: I´m fine too.
- Write the name of this objects:
[pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4] [pic 5]