Final Report - Estágio Curricular Supervisionado III
Artigo: Final Report - Estágio Curricular Supervisionado III. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: sergiol • 4/9/2014 • 2.381 Palavras (10 Páginas) • 1.049 Visualizações
Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba
Final Report - Estágio Curricular Supervisionado III
Curso de Letras – Licenciatura em Inglês
Prof: Fernanda Bacellar
8th Semester
Final Report - Estágio Curricular Supervisionado III
Final Report - Internship
Aiming to fulfill the requirements of the subject of Internship
Estágio Supervisionado III
Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba
Letras – Licenciatura em Inglês
Professor: Prof. Fernanda Bacellar
To conclude the Internship subject, in the 8th semester of the course “Letras – licenciatura em Inglês”, (English Language Teaching) it was taken as a place of study the school “Escola Estadual Eduir Benedicto Scarpari”, located in the Jardim Alvorada in Piracicaba state of São Paulo in the period from 19/08/2013 to 25/11/2013 in rooms 2nd and 3rd series of middle school, from 19:00 to 23:00h, totaling the time of 48 hours at he set of intership. I participated and watch classes of English Language in the mondays nights, supervised by the principal and the English teacher. Plus this time, I spent more 44 hour at the Unimep in the wednesdays classes established to meet the minimum load schedule of 68 hours.
School Structure
In structural aspect it was noted that the school has two buildings with a playground linking these two wings. A wing contains nine classrooms and the computer lab plus the reading room. The other wing contains five classrooms, a room of the teachers beyond the board room and pedagogical coordination and secretariat. All rooms are on the ground floor. The school is surrounded by high walls and has security grills on all windows and some rooms like warehouse, principal's office, kitchen to teachers. The school has a big parking inside of the safe space.
The classrooms are bright and airy with fans at both sides of the room. The desks are new and the walls are painted in light blue color causing a calm sensation. The average number of students in each class is 36 students being girls outnumbered the boys. The classroom was full in the first week. After this the students have been absented between their alternately. The library is used as a video room and living room to meeting with parents. The laboratory offers twenty computers with limited Internet access to prevent students from accessing unsuitable sites. The kitchen offers meals prepared daily during the first three classes with accompanying a nutritionist. The school develops some social projects that serve the community and students like sports activities, training courses and social activities. The school keeps available two wheelchairs on the playground for some emergency situation. The pedagogical coordinator remains in school at students disposal and to the community throughout the class period and sometimes assuming the principal’s role troubleshooting and delegating tasks.
The school works with handouts distributed by the state government and approved by MEC. The teacher that I followed during the internship offers texts with alternative content to add the topics covered by the book. The texts are always relevant to students' interests by addressing the various issues within the daily context. Once the teacher wants to awaken the student with a critical sense as a participant in society and ensure that the contents are well absorbed by the students.
The native language is used in the classes In the reading and understanding process the text both in the oral or in the teacher's explanation about grammar in order to ensure student learning. Sometimes the focus is on vocabulary learning process but word by word makes it slower. The correction of errors occurs in subtle ways not to create a barrier on the student and discourages you from learning English. The teacher tries to explain in many ways until the student understands content applied. At this age students require the use of the mother tongue to walk safely in the English language. Therefore the translation of the content is applied to guarantee the success of the acquisition of knowledge of the second language.
The process of learning a foreign language depends of many other aspects that also encompass the role of students. During the observations a few points caught my attention. The attitude of students during class left me worried about what I'll meet when I have my own students. The rejection level for the English language is still very strong in high school students. In all classes the majority had adopted an aggressive stance during the first minutes but gradually they headquarter and sought to relate the contents implemented with the knowledge he had about the English language. The gap that exists between high school students and English language is caused by contact in basic education. Unfortunately the low level of knowledge of them is the main responsible for almost zero motivation because students do not realize the importance of knowledge of the English language in the world today. The lack of student’s interest causes discomfort in some moments of class that requires the teacher to be more energetic and all the time is bound to interrupt the class to call the attention of some students. This kind of situation creates discomfort among the students by some lose interest and others because they can not learn by several stoppages that occur during class wasting much time.
Interaction with the community:
Social classes: students are mostly from middle and lower classes. They