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Gerunds And Infinitives

Trabalho Universitário: Gerunds And Infinitives. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  7/10/2014  •  482 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  384 Visualizações

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- Fill in the blanks with gerund or infinitive.

1. Belinda is looking forward to ______________ (have) a reply from his friend.

2. 2. Hey, you look tired! How about ________________(take) a break from work for a bit?

3. I can't afford ______________ (have) my Master's degree at a private university.

4. The criminal refused _____________ (confess) the truth.

5. The clients decided _______________ (cancel) the contract.

6. If you don't give up ________________(talk) too much, everybody will get bored.

7. Ken's lawyer advised him _____________ (call) his wife as soon as possible.

8. Helen's boy friend asked her if he wanted _______________ (grab) a cup of coffee.

9. After the accident, the old man struggled __________________ (stand up).

10. The beautiful girl denied ______________ (be) in love with the suspect.

- Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Perfect of the verbs in brackets.

1.- My aunt flew to Paris last year. She ______________ (never / go) on a plane before that.

2.- We didn’t need to queue because my wife ___________ (already / buy) the tickets.

3.- The thieves had already spent the money when the police ____________ (catch) them.

4.- Helen ________________ (split up) with John before she met Paul.

5.- We _______________ (know) her address because she ____________ (tell) us.

6.- The children _______________ (not eat) for days so they ____________ (be) extremely hungry.

7.- Everyone ______________ (hug) each other after they ________________

(finish) their exams.

8.- She didn’t want to go to the cinema because she _______________ (already / see) the film.

9.- I _______________ (just / buy) a dress when a thief _____________ (steal) my bag.

10.- My niece (go) to London three times by the time she (be) sixteen.

11. My students _______________ (raise) some money after they _____________ (see) a documentary on TV about Africa.

12.- It was half past three and we still _____________ (not / eat) lunch.

13.- Our teacher _______________ (give) us extra homework because we ___________________ (not finish) our essays.

14.- My father ________________ (lose) his glasses and he couldn’t read the newspaper.

15.- The car stopped because we _______________ (run) out of petrol.

16.- He ______________ (feel) very ill because he _______________ (not sleep) well.



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