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Odds Jobs

Ensaios: Odds Jobs. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  15/6/2013  •  233 Palavras (1 Páginas)  •  345 Visualizações


• An odor judges is a person who has a sensitive nose and uses it to test odor of perfumes and deodorant effects on the skin models.

• The tests are made with rest people and after they do a series of exercises to check the efficacy of the products.

• They can be employed in manufacturers of products designed to reduce, mask or eliminate odors. For example, the Mouthwash companies employ odor judges to detect halitosis.

• The salary in this field ranges from $19,000 to $52,000 a year, varying with experience and seniority.

• It’s a disgusting job, but you can be well paid.


• It’s a person who scoops up whale dung, then digs through it for clues.

• Through whale-Feces, you can test for pregnancy, measure hormones and biotoxins, examine its genetics.

• So, the researcher uses a sniffer dogs that can detect whale droppings from as far as a mile away. When they bark, she points her research vessel in the direction of the poop.

• Nick Gales is a whale-feces researcher who searches blue-whale dung and this led him to a scientific first. Gale´s team photographed what is believed to be the first whale flatulence caught on film.


• It’s a person who dives in a world of filth and contamination. They dive

• For this job the person have to enter water containing raw sewage, in nuclear reactors, in toxic spills, dangerous coastlines.

• Their job is to clean the environment of toxic substances.


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