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Desordem Mental

Por:   •  24/11/2016  •  Pesquisas Acadêmicas  •  1.126 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  240 Visualizações

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Intr.: What’s Psychology?

Psychology is a science that studies the human behavior and the mental functions through a biological, mental and social context.

Everything we do is associate to a biological part, for an example, we can only hear, see, move or even think because of our own body. The social part is related to our culture, the way we learn to do things – considering we learn different kind of stuff through the way society imposed years ago, and the people we relate, the places we go. But the mental side is more about the way people feel, it’s more about the personality, behavior, intelligence, kindness…

These three things is kind of a circle, it doesn’t have a start or an end, and never stops. But, the mental health has a more important role in all of this, because if it is not working well, then nothing else is.

An example for this is a biological problem: if you are sick but you are mentally healthy, then you can recover faster and easier. If you are sick and you have mental issues, it will be harder to get better. The same example can be used for the social context: you can’t solve problems at work if you are not okay in your mind. You can even solve, but it would be better and easier if your mental health was alright.

Mental Disorder:

Mental disorder is an alteration in the mental health that affect the human being in a lot of concepts: relationship with other people and themselves, in personal life, work, study and all of the routine activities.

This kind of difficulty can happen with anyone and any time of life. The causes can be genetic, alterations in the brain/nervous system, physical violence or mental, lost, disappointments or his own personality. But, in fact, mental disorder doesn’t have a specific cause, it’s more a bio-psycho-social thing.

The mental disorder cure is therapy and a lot of times the person might need a psychiatrist and take medicines to have a better answer to the treatment. This kind of treatment can take years to be done, and the person can have some relapse until the treatment is over.

Something that people (patients included) has been confounding a lot in these past few years is the difference between disease and disorder. A disease is an alteration in a function of the organism or a specific organ of the body. Can be caused by an external factor, like an infection or a internal factor, like genetic. The mental disorder is when someone has a problem with a psychological order, some examples are humor disorder or anxiety disorder.

Somatoform Disorder

Somatoform Disorder is when a patient presents the features and feels the symptoms of a disease but the alteration doesn’t consist in the organism. And also, this kind of issue may be a disease which ends up being described with symptoms that goes further the alteration, and in this way, turns out confusing the doctors.

A big problem in this disorder is when the patient refuses to understand that his problem is psychological, even if something stressful happens in his life. This type of patient always change their medicines because they always have a new problem, they always have a big list of exams and long stories about their health problems.

This kind of disorder normally starts before 30 years old and it’s more common for woman to have it.

• Hypochondria

This type of disorder is when the patient has a faith in a dangerous disease, even if the exams shows that the person doesn’t have anything.

It happens more with people who already had a serious problem and is worried even knowing that he is cured. Normally they ask their doctor for exams, and if the person stops worrying, then it’s not a disorder, but, if he keeps going to make exams, looking for other doctors, then he’ll need a psychological monitoring.

This type of patient normally doesn’t feel so good because anyone is believing that he is actually feeling those symptoms, and a big part of them refuses to


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