Tese: Emoções. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: Bullock • 6/11/2014 • Tese • 267 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 127 Visualizações
Emotions are dynamic processes that change over time.
Consequently, a full understanding of emotions can only be
reached when their temporal properties are examined
(Davidson 1998; Frijda 2007; Verduyn et al. 2009).
Moreover, research on emotion dynamics is important from
a clinical perspective, as disturbances in these dynamics
are symptomatic of mental disorders such as depression
(Siegle et al. 2002) and may lead to the development of
somatic diseases such as cardiovascular illness (Brosschot
et al. 2006).
One central temporal characteristic of emotions is the
duration of emotional experience, which has been defined
as the amount of time that elapses between the beginning
and end point of an emotional episode. The beginning of an
emotional episode can be identified rather easily because,
in contrast to moods, emotions start with the occurrence of
an external or internal event (Beedie et al. 2005). An
emotional episode ends when the intensity of the emotional
response returns to zero or to a baseline level, either for the
first time (i.e., uninterrupted activation, Verduyn et al.
2011), or permanently (i.e., full recovery spanning possible
interruptions, Frijda 2007).1
Irrespective of the duration conceptualization employed,
duration has been found to be highly variable, with emotions
lasting anywhere from a couple of seconds up to several
hours, or even longer (Frijda et al. 1991; Verduyn et al.
2009). Not all emotions are equal in this regard: some
emotions have been found to persist for a long time whereas
others tend to quickly fade away. In particular, whereas
sadness tends to last relatively long, shame, disgust, and fear
tend to be relatively short (Scherer and Wallbott 1994;
Verduyn et al. 2009a; Verduyn and Brans 2012).
However, previous studies on emotion duration have
only examined a limited number of emotions. A notable
exception is a study by Scherer and colleagues (Scherer