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Hp 50g

Artigo: Hp 50g. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  26/3/2015  •  674 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  142 Visualizações

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hp calculators

HP 50g Sinking Fund

The FINANCE menu

Sinking Funds

Practice solving for payment required to achieve a goal

hp calculators

HP 50g Sinking Fund

hp calculators - 2 - HP 50g Sinking Fund

The FINANCE menu

The Finance solver is accessed from the WHITE shifted function of the 9 key by pressing „Ò. When pressed, a data

entry form is displayed that is used to solve a number of financial math problems.

Figure 1

To solve problems using this display, move the cursor using the š˜—™ keys to each field and input its value, if known.

To solve for the unknown value, move the cursor to the field for which you wish to solve, and press the Fkey to register the

choice of !SOLVE, which is displayed above it. The value of the unknown will be calculated and displayed in the field. The solved

value of the variable will be copied to the first level of the command stack in case further calculations with it are desired.

Variables will also be created whenever a value is stored in one of the financial fields or when it has been solved. These variables (N

for example holds the value for n) can be seen in the J menu. When they are no longer needed, they can be deleted just like any

other user-created variables. Values from a previous use of the financial solver remain until the variables holding them are deleted.

Several values are already present on this screen. The number of payments per year is set to 12 for monthly compounding, as

shown to the right of the P/YR: in the screen above. If annual compounding is desired, this value should be changed to 1. If quarterly

compounding is desired, this value should be changed to 4. Just below the P/YR: field, the calculator displays the word END,

signifying that payments are assumed to occur at the end of each period, which would be the case for ordinary annuities. If payments

are desired at the beginning of the period, as would be the case in an annuity due, this value can be changed by moving the cursor

to this field. When the cursor is on this field, CHOOS is displayed above the Bkey, indicating the calculator will supply a list of

choices (Begin or End) in a small CHOOSE box if this key is pressed. Note that Begin will be displayed as Beg if chosen. To exit

from this data entry screen, press the $ key.

Figure 2

The HP 50g Financial solver follows the standard convention that money in is considered positive and money out is negative.

Sinking Funds

A sinking fund is an annuity where a specific value in the future is needed, which is accumulated through a series of regular

payments. These types of problems often occur when saving for a goal, such as retirement or college tuition.

Practice solving for payment required


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