Mental Health Disorders
Por: 9133 • 15/7/2015 • Ensaio • 883 Palavras (4 Páginas) • 303 Visualizações
Assignment Two: Mental Health Disorders
Due Date: August 19th, 2014
Research a mental health disorder and prepare a 2-4 pages paper that includes the following:
1- Description / Signs and symptoms.
Depression regarded as one of the greatest threats of the equilibrium, the welfare of the new millennium. Some common symptoms are lack of the two substances, but there are more aspects related to one or the other. Entrusted to propagate nerve stimulation, serotonin and norepinephrine move freely in nerve cells. For reasons still unknown to science, there is a shortage of two substances that are reabsorbed by the cells. Antidepressants act by decreasing the absence of both substances. On one hand, they are preventing reabsorbed. Another, stimulate your circulation. Serotonin deficiency. Demotivation, little interest in sex, aggressiveness, mood swings, negative thoughts, anxiety, irritability. Deficiency of norepinephrine. Lack of energy, loss of interest, reduced concentration, insomnia, inability to make decisions, negative thoughts, anxiety, irritability.
2- Who is affected: Age, onset, genetic links.
Depression is common in older adults, as they frequently experience many sufferers in their lives. However anyone can have depression. Currently the study on female and mental or emotional health is admittedly important. More specifically, it was realized that the emotional illnesses or called female psychiatric disorders have various individual characteristics. In reality, the difference lies in the fact that women seek medical help more often or other health professionals than men, hindering more knowledge about the male population. From studies on the differences of depression among females and males was observed peculiarities of women in this disease. Depression is more prevalent in women, and statistics show the proportion of nearly two women to one man.
One of the main challenges in genetic studies of depression remains precise characterization of the phenotype. However, even with variations on the concept of depression can be concluded from a large number of investigations that studies of families, twins and adopted indicate the existence of a genetic component to both unipolar depression and bipolar.
It is estimated that this genetic component represents about 40% of the susceptibility to develop unipolar depression, and 70% for bipolar disorder. The mode of genetic transmission remains undefined, although segregation analyzes suggest that the depression has probably multifactorial.
3- Treatment options: List at least two treatment options, including side effects.
Treatment of depression is substantially medicated. There are 30 available antidepressants and psychological therapy. The medication can help relieve the symptoms of depression in some people, but they are not a cure in itself. To warn that the drugs present specific disadvantages, particularly in side effects. Learn the facts about antidepressants and weighing the benefits and risks can help you make a conscious individual and whether the medication is the right decision for you. Some of side effects are; dry mouth, constipation, urinary problems, drowsiness and dizziness, weight gain, blurred vision, hypertension. The most effective treatment for depression in most cases includes some form of psychological therapy. Psychological therapy offers tools to treat depression through a variety of approaches and learning. Also, what you learn in therapy gives you skills and knowledge to prevent relapse of depression. Teaches practical techniques on how to reframe negative thinking and use behavioral skills in combating depression. Therapy can also help you work on the cause of your depression, helping you to understand why they feel a certain way, what your triggers for depression are, and what you can do to stay with your more stable and more emotionally balanced mood.