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Empresa farmacêutica Сampeões S.A.

Artigo: Empresa farmacêutica Сampeões S.A.. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  13/5/2013  •  Artigo  •  256 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  650 Visualizações

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Given the high economic growth that the market is showing South in recent years. The Champions Pharmaceutical Company SA with headquarters in Tokyo began to aim at the achievement of this potential market, but for this project you will need to enable the deployment of a commercial branch, which should meet the operational needs, having chosen Brazil as the venue for opening its subsidiary, we will now present the issues addressed in the project.

Physical structure which we will use to define what kind of Network infrastructure, checking a safer way for communication branch and matrix, enabling the project to a study financial investment, setting contracts with maintenance and network support and all structure. Define the plan for managing the deployment of infrastructure and security information both physical and logical plan for training personnel to use this new network structure. In order to achieve the objective of the proposal will be carried out a survey to raise specific aspects of each part of the project: first conducting a survey of macro and microeconomic urban centers to branch location, study solutions to establish communication between Brazil and Japan, the best solution for deployment, distribution, maintenance, support and management of all network SLAs defined that provides the support of workstations. With this survey the project aims consiguir meet all the needs of both the economy and market, human resource strategies, management and finance infrastructure projects in IT, thus achieving the goal set Deployment of a new branch in the South American market.

Keywords: Champions Pharmaceutical Industry SA, Training, Market South


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