Monografias: Ecossistema. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: ronald.silva • 13/3/2015 • 322 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 276 Visualizações
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April 14, 2015: Last of 6 free REACH seminars with contributions of EURL ECVAM scientists: "(Zebra)Fish Embryo Acute Toxicity Test to predict short term toxicity to fish (and beyond)" Read more...
Updated information on alternative methods and testing strategies that could be used to meet REACH requirements
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Our scientists show you what they are doing to advance safety assessment of chemicals without relying on animal testingdefault frame updated video
Transcripts: pdf icon EN; FR; DE; IT.
The European Union Reference Laboratory for alternatives to animal testing (EURL-ECVAM) has been formally established in 2011, due to the increasing need for new methods to be developed and proposed for validation in the European Union. EURL ECVAM is hosted by the Joint Research Centre, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP) located in Ispra, Italy.
EURL ECVAM has a long tradition in the validation of methods which reduce, refine or replace the use of animals for safety testing and efficacy/potency testing of chemicals, biologicals and vaccines. Research laboratories are able to submit to EURL ECVAM for scientific validation the alternative methods to animal testing that they have developed.
EURL ECVAM also promotes the development and dissemination of alternative methods and approaches, their apEURL-ECVAMplication in industry and their acceptance by regulators.
The European Commission's involvement in activities targeted to the validation of alternative approaches to animal testing started in 1991, with the launch of ECVAM (the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods), hosted by the Joint Research Centre, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP). As from 2011, ECVAM's tasks are assigned to EURL ECVAM.Cell culture under sterile conditions-2
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