Trenbolone Ace
Pesquisas Acadêmicas: Trenbolone Ace. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: cbmelo97 • 10/9/2014 • 1.754 Palavras (8 Páginas) • 381 Visualizações
Trenbolona ace,,
I already discussed how strong this drug is, it pretty much make fellas with balonie genetic into bodybuilders... that should tell you how strong this drug is...
the doses: of course you can see trenbolona work as low as 50mg every 2 day surly can, you will look very good ...yet! With trenbolona unlike! With testosterone...the higher the dose ...the nastier and freakier the bodybuilder becomes. And I mean it! ,, the bodybuilder will see changes that he will sacrifice his social life for ...sad but true, not that bodybuilder have social life but this is another story lol,,
testosterone...the higher the dose...the bloodier you look unless you have gh running in system...with trenbolona ace...the higher you use the BETTER THE LARGER THE MORE CONDITIONED AND THE MORE S E P E R A T E D you look
while testosterone puff your skin up,, trenbolona ace thin is down! It eliminate the puffy skin and thus say bye to the bloody look, it get the skin to a shrink wrapped mode with time! it depends of course on your beginning body fat level,, it will be diff for fella like tbom and fella like no one,,tbom it will take one it will take 10 days lol actually from the first day it will be going visually it’s because the body is already in state of anabolism and low body fat with no one and with tbom he has muscle but it is covered with water and fat and in the doubles....never the less tbom will be able to look like competitive bodybuilder will only take him another 2 months lol sometime 4-5 if body is really stubborn and the fella love his ummm I don’t know love his goulash and the higher caloric shit foods...still trenbolona will cut through the fat like knife cut through butter and with months will bring tbom to the single digit and separated like a competitive bodybuilder...not top but competitive to begin with
now, the actual changes from tren ace and what to expect:
I will talk about the typical 12-13% bodybuilder not the single digit ones because the single digit ones are already know everything there is to know,, they may not be professionals but they been in it for so long they can speak it in their dreams ,, so this is for 12-13% body fat rather than 8%..
this are the changes you will see,,
week 1,, you will feel pumped but instead of bloody feel of testosterone pump you will have the feeling of pump from the inside of the muscle while the more self-knowing individuals who recognize changes fast will notice their face ...yes their face taking a diff look ,,they will be the only ones who notice it ,, it is something you notice personally since it is only the beginning and no one else that see you will notice ,,they will think you are crazy if you tell them anything so keep it to yourself,, face will start getting the high boxer type of look, hard to explain ,, it is week one so nothing visual yet aside from pump ...tremendous strength and I mean tremendous! big diff than what you were before ,,and when you will expect to see your midsection bloat...and say something is not right here the belly got to be will take your shirt up and notice that no! It is actually looking tighter! yes this is week 1! since you are 12% you won’t see much more ,,oblique’s will start being noticed well and the girl will compliment that this is the area of the body she like the most right before she sucking your cock,, she will comment on it because she will be able to see it on you : ),, remember this is after 3-7 injects of trenbolona ace into blood at 100mg every inject
week 2-3
this is when progress being made and you start seeing your body transforms ,, still nothing like a pro bodybuilder...nothing like top amateur....but! you will start noticing that the pecks and delts are separating,, they reduce fat yet remain full and start getting separated as in water go into the muscle instead of outside of muscle,, this is a stage where you will still have water between skin and muscle so it won’t be to an impressive level separation wise, but! the separation will occur and in this 2-3 weeks try not to be crazy and don’t take pictures every day,, take them few times a week not every day you will go nuts,, trenbolona changes are only daily for the single digit fellas and the 8% and under, so for you since you started 12% and now you are about 10-11.. try to not take many pictures every day because at this body fat levels pictures can be deceiving time you look great one time you look decent etc. ,, not good comparisons,, at the end of this stage you will sit at high single digit sub 10%,, 9-10%
week 4-8...
this is when you will start getting compliments not only on how BIG YOU LOOK but you will start hearing the word LEAN ,, you will walk around and you will hear a lot of wondering of how you got so lean ,, no one will say skinny ,, no one will say small ,, they will all use the word LEAN ,, lean this lean that,, still not thickly lean ,, the thickly lean comes little after down the road,, in this stage you get the YOU LOOK LEAN MAN comments,, this is when veins start becoming very visible in places you are not used to while sitting watching TV you will see veins on back of legs on forearms on inside of forearms on arms on traps on chest,, everywhere again it depend on how prone to veins you are but you will see the veins you have enhanced! ,,you will also get more separated and it will be to a level that when you take pictures you finally will decide to keep them and will feel very bad to delete them because they will look very good
week 9 and on ...
this is what separate the REAL bodybuilder from the wanna be ,, this is where the true mutation coming into play and you really start looking