ACI - 318 - Dimensionamento Norma Americana
Pesquisas Acadêmicas: ACI - 318 - Dimensionamento Norma Americana. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: iagofreitas • 8/11/2014 • 1.248 Palavras (5 Páginas) • 1.182 Visualizações
The code portion of this document covers the proper design and construction of buildings of structural
concrete. The code has been written in such form that it may be adopted by reference in a general building
code and earlier editions have been widely used in this manner.
Among the subjects covered are: drawings and specifications; inspection; materials; durability requirements;
concrete quality, mixing, and placing; formwork; embedded pipes and construction joints; reinforcement
details; analysis and design; strength and serviceability; flexural and axial loads; shear and torsion;
development and splices of reinforcement; slab systems; walls; footings; precast concrete; composite flexural
members; prestressed concrete; shells and folded plate members; strength evaluation of existing structures;
special provisions for seismic design; structural plain concrete; an alternate design method in
Appendix A; unified design provisions in Appendix B; and alternative load and strength reduction factors in
Appendix C.
The quality and testing of materials used in the construction are covered by reference to the appropriate
ASTM standard specifications. Welding of reinforcement is covered by reference to the appropriate ANSI!
A WS standard.
Because the ACI Building Code is written as a legal document so that it may be adopted by reference in a
general building code, it cannot present background details or suggestions for carrying out its requirements
or intent. It is the function of this commentary to fill this need.
The commentary discusses some of the considerations of the committee in developing the code with emphasis
given to the explanation of new or revised provisions that may be unfamiliar to code users.
References to much of the research data referred to in preparing the code are cited for the user desiring
to study individual questions in greater detail. Other documents that provide suggestions for carrying out
the requirements of the code are also cited.
The chapter and section numbering of the code are followed throughout.
Keywords: admixtures; aggregates; anchorage (structural); beam-column frame; beams (supports); building codes; cements; cold weather
construction; columns (supports); combined stress; composite construction (concrete and steel); composite construction (concrete to concrete);
compressive strength; concrete construction; concretes; concrete slabs; construction joints; continuity (structural); contraction joints; cover;
curing; deep beams; deflections; drawings; earthquake resistant structures; embedded service ducts; flexural strength; floors; folded plates; footings;
formwork (construction); frames; hot weather construction; inspection; isolation joints; joints Gunctions); joists; lightweight concretes; loads
(forces); load tests (structural); materials; mixing; mix proportioning; modulus of elasticity; moments; pipe columns; pipes (tubing); placing; plain
concrete; precast concrete; prestressed concrete; prestressing steels; quality control; reinforced concrete; reinforcing steels; roofs; serviceability;
shear strength; shearwalls; shells (structural forms); spans; specifications; splicing; strength; strength analysis; stresses; structural analysis;
structural concrete; structural design; structural integrity; T-beams, torsion; walls; water; welded wire fabric.
AC1318-95 was adopted as a standard of the American Concrete
Institute July 1, 1995 to supersede ACI 318-89 (Revised 1992) in accordance
with the Institute's standardization procedure.
Vertical lines in the margins indicate the 1995 code changes.
*A complete metric companion to ACI318/318R has been developed,
318M/318RM; therefore no metric equivalents are included in
this document.
tACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and Commentaries
are intended for guidance in designing, planning, executing,
or inspecting construction, and in preparing specifications.
Reference to these documents shall not be made in the Project Documents.
If items found in these documents are desired to be part of
the Project Documents they should be phrased in mandatory language
and incorporated into the Project Documents.
Copyright © 1995, American Concrete Institute.
All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any
form or by any means, including the making of copies by any photo
process, or by any electronic or mechanical device, printed or written
or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduction or for use in any
knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in writing
is obtained from the copyright proprietors.
The 1995 ACI Building Code and Commentary are presented in a side-by-side column format, with code text
placed in the left column and the corresponding commentary text aligned in the right column. To further distinguish
the Code from the Commentary, the Code