Artigos Científicos: CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS OF NICKEL. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: Cadw • 26/10/2013 • 987 Palavras (4 Páginas) • 325 Visualizações
Chapter III
III Selected nickel data
This chapter presents the chemical thermodynamic data set for nickel species that has
been selected in this review. Table III–1 contains the recommended thermodynamic
data of the nickel compounds and species, Table III–2 the recommended thermodynamic
data of chemical equilibrium reactions by which the nickel compounds and complexes
are formed, and Table III–3 the temperature coefficients of the heat capacity data
of Table III–1 where available.
The species and reactions in the tables appear in standard order of arrangement.
Table III–2 contains information only on those reactions for which primary data
selections are made in Chapter V of this review. These selected reaction data are used,
together with data for key nickel species and auxiliary data selected in this review, to
derive the corresponding formation data in Table III–1. The uncertainties associated
with values for key nickel species and the auxiliary data are in some cases substantial,
leading to comparatively large uncertainties in the formation quantities derived in this
The values of r m Δ Gο for many reactions are known more accurately than would
be calculated directly from the uncertainties of the f m Δ Gο values in Table III–1 and auxiliary
data. The inclusion of a table for reaction data (Table III–2) in this report allows
the use of equilibrium constants with total uncertainties that are based directly on the
experimental accuracies. This is the main reason for including both Table III–1 and
Table III–2.
The selected thermal functions of the heat capacities, listed in Table III–3, refer
to the relation
p,m Cο (T) = a + b × T + c × T 2 + d × T –1 + i × T -1/2
A detailed discussion of the selection procedure is presented in Chapter V. It
may be noted that this chapter contains data on more species or compounds than are
present in the tables of Chapter III. The main reasons for this situation are the lack of
information for a proper extrapolation of the primary data to standard conditions in
some systems and lack of solid primary data in others.
A warning: The addition of any aqueous species and their data to this internally
consistent data base can result in a modified data set, which is no longer rigorous and
can lead to erroneous results. The situation is similar when gases or solids are added.
III. Selected nickel data
Table III–1: Selected thermodynamic data for nickel compounds and complexes. All
ionic species listed in this table are aqueous species. Unless noted otherwise, all data
refer to the reference temperature of 298.15 K and to the standard state, i.e., a pressure
of 0.1 MPa and, for aqueous species, infinite dilution (I = 0). The uncertainties listed
below each value represent total uncertainties and correspond in principle to the statistically
defined 95% confidence interval. Values obtained from internal calculation, cf.
footnotes (a) and (b), are rounded at the third digit after the decimal point and may
therefore not be exactly identical to those given in Part V. Systematically, all the values
are presented with three digits after the decimal point, regardless of the significance of
these digits. The data presented in this table are available on computer media from the
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency.
fGmΔ ο fHmΔ ο Smο Cp,m ο
(kJ · mol–1) (kJ · mol–1) (J · K–1 · mol–1) (J · K–1 · mol–1)
(a) 430.100
(a) 17.500
– 45.773
(b) – 55.012
(a) – 131.800
(d) – 46.100
– 211.660