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Cnc Programming Basics - Test1

Artigos Científicos: Cnc Programming Basics - Test1. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  7/10/2014  •  392 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  435 Visualizações

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South Adams / Area 18 Machine Trades


Station 5

Name: ___________________________ Score: __________________

1. Most Lathes control 2 axes. The ______ axis controls cross motion of the cutting


2. On milling machines the _______ axis controls the vertical movement of the knee or spindle.

3. Incremental program locations are always given as the distance and direction from


4. The Y plus (Y+) command will cause the cutting tool to be located ___________

_________________________________ .

5. What are the 2 types of CNC Positioning Systems


B. ___________________

6. What are the 2 most common codes in CNC programming?

____________ and ____________

7. G02 will move the axes clockwise and is used for _______ and __________.

8. M04 does what to the spindle? ____________________________

9. M30 does what?

10. 1 block of information consists of how many words?

11. The Machine Zero Point can be set by _______methods.

12. In absolute programming all dimensions must be taken from XY Zero at what corner of the part?

13. The word-address letter R refers to what?

14. CDC allows for differences in ____________ diameter.

15. On Fanuc controls the G28 code is used to set the programmed offset of the _________________________________.

16. What are 2 types of programming modes?

A. _______________________________

B. _______________________________

17. Absolute program locations are always given from


18. The G00 code does what?


19. For turning the code M03 will do what? _______________________________


20. When milling a Z.100


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