Computer Networks
Ensaio: Computer Networks. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: krasucki • 7/8/2014 • Ensaio • 596 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 600 Visualizações
Computer Networks - CS132/EECS148 - Spring 2013
Instructor: Karim El Defrawy
Assignment 3 - Solutions
Deadline : May 9th
– 9:30pm (hard and soft copies required)
Problem 1 (Problem 6, Chapter 3 - 3 points) - Consider our motivation for correcting protocol
rdt2.1. Show that the receiver, shown in figure 3.57 of your book, when operating with the
sender, shown in figure 3.11 of your book, can lead the sender and receiver to enter into a
deadlock state, where each is waiting for an event that will never occur.
Suppose the sender is in state “Wait for call 1 from above” and the receiver (the receiver shown
in the homework problem) is in state “Wait for 1 from below.” The sender sends a packet with
sequence number 1, and transitions to “Wait for ACK or NAK 1,” waiting for an ACK or NAK.
Suppose now the receiver receives the packet with sequence number 1 correctly, sends an
ACK, and transitions to state “Wait for 0 from below,” waiting for a data packet with sequence
number 0. However, the ACK is corrupted. When the rdt2.1 sender gets the corrupted ACK, it
resends the packet with sequence number 1. However, the receiver is waiting for a packet with
sequence number 0 and (as shown in the home work problem) always sends a NAK when it
doesn't get a packet with sequence number 0. Hence the sender will always be sending a
packet with sequence number 1, and the receiver will always be NAKing that packet. Neither will
progress forward from that state.
Problem 2 (Problem 7, Chapter 3 - 3 points) - In protocol rdt3.0, the ACK packets flowing
from the receiver to the sender do not have sequence numbers (although they do have an ACK
field that contains the sequence number of the packet they are acknowledging ). Why is it that
our ACK packets do not require sequence numbers?
To best answer this question, consider why we needed sequence numbers in the first place. We
saw that the sender needs sequence numbers so that the receiver can tell if a data packet is a
duplicate of an already received data packet. In the case of ACKs, the sender does not need
this info (i.e., a sequence number on an ACK) to tell detect a duplicate ACK. A duplicate ACK is
obvious to the rdt3.0 receiver, since when it has received the original ACK it transitioned to the